"I want you to know, I do. I trust you it's just hard to talk about." I mumbled in between sobs. This was so hard, I hated this. He needed to know, I trusted him, I really did he was an incredible person, and I knew he could keep a secret.

"Please, take your time, ok? I don't want to rush you. Whenever you feel comfortable-"

"I'm ready now," I say, finally regaining my composure, and pull back slightly so I could look him in the face. God, I wish I hadn't.

His eyes were red and puffy, tear stains all down his face. He had bags under his eyes. He hadn't slept all night, Even now, he was crying.

Seeing him like that made me feel so terrible. So, I was gonna at least try and make it up to him.

"I'll tell you, ok?" I mumble, slipping away from him, then taking his hand and leading him to the living room before he can respond.

We sit down next to each other, crossed legged, just staring at each other before I took a deep breath.

"So. What do you want to know?" I asked opening my eyes to see him wiping his own.

"Um, can we start with what happened last night? What made you start crying and screaming?" He answered putting a hand out to his side.

"Um, I had a really bad nightmare," I say simply. Although he just gave me an unsatisfied look.

"About what Kat. I'm not that stupid, I know normal nightmares don't make a person scream and cry." He deadpanned. I scowled.

"Fine. I have emotional PTSD." I answered calmly, not looking at him, but I could hear the slight gasp that escaped his lips. "I had a lot of bad things happen to me as a kid." Here it goes. This is the first time I was telling someone about my past, my life. Oh God. " I-I I was abused as a kid. My parents beat me and told me things that broke me. Like, that I wasn't worthy of life, or that nobody would ever or could ever love me. After hearing that for so many years, it just took a toll on my mind and heart. So, now, certain words, actions, even events can cause me to have panic attacks. Those include crying, screaming and losing control over what I say and think. Also, I get flashbacks of the event that was triggered." I try to explain it as best as I can, without my voice breaking, however, it was a challenge.

He looks at me, then down at the couch, speechless.

"Shit, I'm sorry I-I shouldn't have said anything," I say, regret and anger spilling into my voice. I stood up and run my hands through my hair, turning away and walking to the balcony. I slide the door open and quickly walk out into the stone platform. My hands collide with the railing, the cold metal sending a shiver through my body. I probably should have grabbed a jacket or something to put on, considering I'm only in sweatpants and a T-Shirt.

Tears sting my eyes. I wish I hadn't said anything. I wish I had just lied, said something that was believable, so that I didn't have to deal with him knowing.

I grip onto the metal tighter, making my knuckles turn white. I jump even more when the door opens, to reveal Kirishima standing in its frame.

"Here, I thought you would be cold." He said simply, handing me his letterman jacket, a large number 18 on the left shoulder. I look from him to the jacket before taking it slipping it on.

"Thank you," I muttered softly. The sleeves are long enough to pull over my wrists, so I do. I cross my arms and look out of the rising sun. It was beautiful. Orange, and reds, yellows and pinks. The light of the sun causing the clouds to become dusted light yellow and pink. "Pretty," I whisper leaning on the railing, while Kirishima is looking over his shoulder, his back to the railing, a smile playing on his lips at the word I had muttered.

"Listen, Kat." He started, trying to meet my eyes. I turn my head slightly to look at him. He had a small smile, but his face was still full of concern. "I am so so sorry. No one should have to deal with that, especially not you. I don't even know how you made it through that but, I'm really happy that you did. Your so so so much stronger than anyone I have ever known, and much braver. I have been through bad stuff, but as not as terrible as what you've been through." He took a shaky breath and turned around. He rested his hand against my own. I flinched but, didn't pull away. I turned my head fully to meet his eyes.

He pulled me straight up, allowing me to look into his eyes, both his hands holding mine.

"You have survived hell, one no kid should have to go through. Especially not alone. You're a great person, and you should have had a great happy life, I can promise you that." He took in a deep breath and squeezed my hands. I felt a shiver run through me, but all I could do was shift closer to him. I felt safer, and warmer, being closer to him. "Kat, I am so sorry, this probably isn't the right time to tell you this. But, I need you to know your safe now. Your parents can't hurt you anymore. I will not let them, I swear. If they ever try to come near you again, you let me know, ok? They will never hurt you again not while I'm alive." He promised me, rubbing his thumb over my hand.

"Why though?" I asked calmly, no venom behind my words. It was just an honest question.

Kirishima took in a breath and turned to look at the sunrise before looking back at me.

"Because I care about you Kat. I have for a while, a couple of weeks. Your someone who, has proven to be someone I can really trust, and I'm glad to see you feel like that too. Your strong, you don't take shit from anyone, and you don't care what people think about you. And a bonus is your hot as all hell." He chuckled, lightly, giving me a wink, causing me to blush furiously. "Hey, it's true. You are the most beautiful human being I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. So if all of that hasn't covered what I'm trying to say, I'll spell it out for you." He continued to hold my right hand in his left. while he brought my left hand to his heart. "I like you Bakugou. Like, as more than a friend. You mean so much to me, you really do. So, if you would let me, would you go out with me? On a date, ya know, without the team or anyone else. Just us. You and me." He asked nervously, giving me a sweet smile.

My heart was pounding but in a good way. I was so happy, for the first time in years, possibly my whole life. This stupid, adorable redhead was making me want to burst with pure happiness and love. Tears of happiness filled my eyes as I did my best to make a full sentence without combusting.

"Yes, of course, you idiot." I smiled wrapping my arms around him, as he did the same. "Thank you for helping me again. But, I don't like all these I owe you's you keep giving me" He chuckles.

"Sorry, I can't help that I want to help my boyfriend." He smiles, looking down at me with adoration.

"Boyfriend?" I ask looking up at him.

"Um, sorry. Is that ok?" He asked, looking slightly nervous.

"Um, look I'm really happy that we're going to go on a date, but I don't want to move too fast. Can we hold off on the labels for a while?" I ask calmly and he doesn't argue, just gives a small nod and smile.

"Whatever you need babe." He smiles, giving the top of my head a soft kiss.

"And I like 'Kat' and 'Ei'. Could just stick to those two for right now?' I mumble. "But the kisses are fine," I say the last part so quietly, I barely heard it. But he did.

"Good to know Kat." He laughs, the two of us turn our heads, still wrapped in each other's arms, and look at the sunrise. The sky was still gorgeous like the heavens were picking the most perfect moment to show us how beautiful our world was. And that if you just believe in the good things in life, color and great things would show themselves.

"Ya know. The sky still has nothing on you." Kirishima said, so much happiness and bliss in his voice.

I blush, just like I had the first time.

"S-shut up Ei!"

A/N - Two updates in two days? Wow, I'm proud of myself lol. My reads are going up like crazy, this is ridiculous. Thank you all. And thank you to itybity for editing again!! I will try to get another chapter out, but we will have to wait and see. Love you all!!💙

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