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Colby's pro
Well shit I'm going to college well at least I'm going away from this hell hole my parents have been fighting ever since I was little right now I'm 17 Sam is 18 hopefully he sticks by my side
Well I'm sharing a dorm with idfk who I'm gonna die this year hopefully I live through collage

A few hours later

I went in got my dorm key and other thing that I really don't care about, I found the dorm and it was locked and all my shit that I was caring with me was already hard enough to handle so I had to put it all down and unlock the fuCkInG DoOr ,i pushed all my things in the dorm....i looked around it was kinda messy no one was here with me so that's a good thing right now ,so I unpacked everything put it up and so on,my bed was and so was the other I decided to clean the whole entire doRm it just bothered me I don't know why but it just did 🤷🏻‍♂️ welp I'm not going to my classes cuz fuck it
I need to add more things I still got more things to put up I had some fairy lights so I put them up I put up some pictures of me and Sam

Sam has been there for me and so have i but now idfk I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE HIS DORM IT ugh I threw myself on my bed as soon a a did that a boy walked in
????:"WTF WHO IS U"
Oh shit on ya I forgot about my room mate
"Umm well I'm Colby Brock and I'm ur new roommate..."
"Well I'm jake,Jake Webber not jake Weber so don't fuck with me bitch"
Wtf ok? "Ok?" Well shit he kinda cute well I'm straight so I.... wait tf I called this jake Webber cute now that I think of it am I straight? Well shit

I feel asleep after that...

Jakes pro

Well after all my classes I hung out may have fucked a girl but shhhh I'm the schools playboy im a weirdo too but idc, I walked into the dorm and saw a boy I have to admit he was kinda cute I got a new toy but I'm to tired rn
He has a baby face can't wait to fuck him but I said "TF WHO IS U" he looked at me shocked cuz I screamed haha but he seems small to me like a little kid I'm taller then him yes but then he said "umm well I'm Colby Brock and I'm ur new roommate..." cute but idc wait the rooms clean one good thing plus my new toy well my turn to talk "well I'm Jake,Jake Webber not Jake Weber so don't fuck with me bitch" people call me Jake weber do told him not to cuz that shit pisses me off, he looked at me like wtf but like a care....after all that he feel a sleep I look at his things he was in pictures with a blonde boy I got kinda mad, wait tf y am I mad imma ask who is that when he wakes up after all he's mine now,he's my new toy...
He's so cute...Colby Brock imma make u mine

TBC....💕😁 ew cringe but okie I suck at editing btw lol

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