I have no idea how to say this like at all so I just blurted out "I'm pregnant."

He looked at me and said "What Jade."

I smiled and said, "I'm....pregnant."

He smiled and kissed me. He moved us so I was on my back while he was kissing me. Once he pulled back I said, "So you're happy."

He chuckled at me and said, "Of course I am angel why wouldn't I be."

"I don't know."

He kissed me again as he started to moved his hand up my skirt but just as he started to get anywhere the door opened and Lothaire said "Congratulations and sorry."

Drake growled at him as he left making me chuckle and say "Can we ever get privacy."

"No angel."

I put my hand on his cheek and started to kiss him but my body is getting really tired which is why we haven't made love in a week or two. He saw it too because he said: "Are you, tired angel."

"Yes but I want you."

He kissed me and said, "I want you to but until you have the energy we are going to have to wait."

I groan and said, "Talk to the healer then so we can make love."

He chuckled at me and said, "I will angel."

I shook my head making him get up and pull me up with him. Once up he picked me up bridal style making me say "I can walk."

"I know I just don't care and you shouldn't strain yourself angel so let's just get you to bed."

I shook my head, wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest making him go to our room. Once in our room he sat me down, moved the sheets, stripped me of my clothes and laid me in bed. He kissed my forehead and said, "Go to sleep angel."

I shook my head and laid on the bed to sleep which I did but not for long because my body started to hurt and I'm hungry. So I sat up and saw Drake at his desk in our room so I said: "What are you doing."

"Writing a letter but why are you up."

"I'm hurting and hungry."

He shook his head, stood up, walked over to me and kissed my forehead as he said: "I will go get you some so just stay in bed."

I just shook my and watched as he left. Once he was gone I rest against the headboard and put my hands on my stomach. I still can't believe I'm pregnant. I'm happy but surprised. Drake is happy which is fantastic but I wonder how dad will react or if I should tell him since he still at war with Lucian.

I don't want to make him worry about me but would like him to know. I will let Drake figure it out and let him deal with it so I'm not so stressed out but this is something for us to talk about later. After a minute of laying in bed, I heard the door open making me look up and see Drake with a bottle and glass.

He sat on the bed and poured a glass to hand it to me. I drank all of it and once done I handed it back to him but he just filled it up again making me say "I'm not drinking that in tire bottle."

He looked at me and said, "Yes you are because you need to for the baby, so drink."

I took the glass and said "Fine but I want to take a bath before we go to bed please."

He shook his head and he said: "Drink all of this and I will get your bath ready."

I shook my head as I drank the blood he gave me which was a lot but I guess this what I need to do for the baby. God this is going to be a long couple of months. After I drank all of it Drake came over to me and said "Ready."

I shook my head and slipped off the bed to go into the bathroom. Once there I slipped into the tub as Drake said: "The sun will be up soon so clean up and relax for a bit but once the sun comes up your going to bed."

I shook my head, yes making him kiss me and say "I will be right outside if you need me angel."

I rolled my eyes because he is so worried about me but I feel fine. I cleaned my body and then just laid down in the tub to relax. I felt my eyes getting really heavy as I heard Drake say "It is time we get you to bed."

I opened my eyes and looked at him as he put his hands on my hips to help me out of the tub. He sat me on the counter and grabbed a towel to dry me off with so I said: "I can dry off."

He looked at me as I yawned making him chuckle and say "Yes I'm sure my sleepy angel can."

I rolled my eyes as he walked back over to me, took me off the counter to dry me off and then he slipped a black, silk, V-neck with lace nightgown which was really pretty.

Once the nightgown was on he picked me up at carried me to the bed where he sat me down and pulled the sheet over me

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Once the nightgown was on he picked me up at carried me to the bed where he sat me down and pulled the sheet over me. He kissed me and said, "Go to sleep angel."

He started to pull away but I grabbed his face as pulled him back to me. He growled at me and said against my lips "What are you doing angel."

"Like I said I want my husband."

He sat on the bed and said: "You're tired."

"I am but still please Drake."

He rolled his eye as said, "I will make you a deal."

I shook my head and he said: "Go to sleep tonight and tomorrow me and you will stay in bed all day to do whatever you want but when you're tired you sleep plus you will drink all the blood I give you."

Tempting and that is probably the only he will be with me since I'm pregnant so I said "Deal but come to bed so you can hold me at least."

He kissed me and said "Of course angel."

He got off the bed and walked over to the over side where he slipped in. Once he was in I crawled on his chest so my head was on his chest, my arms on his shoulder and my leg over his hip. He ran his hand up and down my back and said "Good night angel."


After a second he moved his hand to my hair which put me to sleep within a minute not to wake till tomorrow.

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