stanza eleven ~•°Death~•°

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(Short author's note)
So you guys this is the last stanza , its over ,
thanks for all your support I really appreciate please don't forget to vote , share and comment.
Thanks , I love and appreciate every single one of you😘❤💖💖💖💖💖💖💖.
Now to the real deal😎😎😎😎..

The last chapter she titled 'death'.
The one thing man can't escape not even with the help of money, all living things die.
I have many regrets, so much I wish I could be born again.
Every beginning has an end and every end has a beginning.
I know after all I've done I deserve to die a most painful death , I beg for you all for forgiveness.
By the time this is found I would most likely be gone.
Pray for my soul to escape Sheol do not have a feast just let me eternally rest.
You may rid this prison of all its riches and give it to the poor.
I hope you do not die a death like mine, I hope you die with loved ones surrounding you , and not riches , I pray you are not held captive in an expensive prison.
The whole town heard the story, the rich heiress was buried in the thick garden of her abode and even after her death no one dared near the mansion gates , the mansion truly painted the picture of an expensive prison.

Authors note
You guys this is the ending of my first ever book on wattpad 'EXPENSIVE PRISON:👊👊👊✌✌✌✌✌✌🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉📗.
I'm so happy right now , trust me its not been easy , I do hope that at least one line of this book taught you something or means something to you. This has been an amazing journey , but bye (for now😏).❤💖
COMPLETED:- 16/04/19(16TH APRIL 2019)..

Expensive prison By Jummie_whiteWhere stories live. Discover now