"Oh wow, that makes it sound so soon" Jamie chuckles beside me and we laugh with him. "You will find it go quite fast to start with. I think we'll book you on to see you again at thirteen weeks. You'll be starting your second trimester then" she types onto her computer and then hands me a appointment slip.

"Thank you!" I smile taking it and slipping it into my bag. "How's your morning sickness?" She asks and Jamie sighs, squeezing my hand. He hates seeing me poorly. "Well it wasn't so bad to start with, but now I have it every other day.. and I find there's certain things my stomach can't handle" I pout and she nods.

"That's completely normal, as you move to your second trimester you'll find it'll fade hopefully. All the things we tested from your blood have come back completely fine, no problems with your iron levels or anything like that. I think you're going to have a real comfy pregnancy Miss Johnson" she smiles at me and it makes me feel better instantly.

"Thank you.. we'll see you in a few weeks then?" I stand with Jamie and we take it in turns to shake her hand. "You will indeed. Please don't hesitate to phone if you have any concern at all from now until your next appointment" she smiles and we thank her again before leaving.

"I can't believe we're nine weeks pregnant already?!" I say as we get to the car. "I know, that's mad! Hearing his or hers heartbeat really did make it feel more official for me" he smiles shyly and I nod, leaning over to kiss his cheek gently.

"Let's get your family over? I wanna tell everyone" I grin shyly and he nods, driving us home. "We'll sort something with them later, we can FaceTime my dad" he parks on our drive and we get out.

"I don't know if I wanna tell everyone together or not.. " I pout putting my bag on the breakfast island and getting myself a cold drink. "I think, we should invite your mom, dad my dad and Samina here, tell them.. then have everyone round, like a little get together" he smiles and I nod, grinning. "I love that.. we'll do that. Get your sister and her lot over too" I nod kissing him gently.

*Jamie's POV*

It's a little later now, we've just got off FaceTime to my dad, we've decided for them to come down the day after tomorrow. I booked all their flights and sent them over the details. I'm excited to see them and I think Dakota is too!

"I'm so nervous to tell everyone!" Dakota giggles, stroking her stomach gently as we sit watching tv. "Me too baby" I rest my hand over hers. "How did, you and Amelia tell everyone?" She asks quietly watching me.

"We didn't. She did... she told her mom and family then text my dad and told him.. I never even got to feel that excitement" I shrug, talking quietly. Dakota pulls my face to hers gently, kissing me.

"I'd never do that to you.. you know I love your family like my own. I'm so excited to see them all" she smiles, rubbing my nose with hers as we pull away. "Maybe we could have Dulcie too? See if Amelia will let me have her whilst my family are here" I look to her and her face lights up.

"Yesssss! I've missed her little face" she pouts and my heart melts. "She adores you" I smile stroking her hair gently. "I love her, I can't wait for us to tell her she's going to be a big sister" she giggles and I nod. "She's going to be so excited" I smile, leaning to kiss Dakota gently.

"I love you" she says, gazing into my eyes. "I love you more." I kiss her again, making it last. "I'm going to bite the bullet and give Amelia a call, I'll be back in a few" I stand and take myself to our bedroom, phoning Amelia.

When I go back through to the living room I see Dakota on the laptop typing away. "Hey baby how did it go?" She asks and I sigh with relief. "She's going to drop her off for us tomorrow afternoon" I grin and Dakota grins too.

"Yay!!!" She cheers and I chuckle, sitting next to her. "What you doing baby?" I ask, looking to the screen of the laptop. "I thought we should start looking at baby things" she smiles shyly and I nod, grinning.

"Sounds perfect, one minute, I'm a little hungry let me just get a bit of food... you want anything?" I ask and she pouts. "Yes please. I think there's still some chicken pasta salad in the fridge from yesterday babe" she calls and I check, she's right there is. I grab the bowl out and get two forks before going back to her.

"We can eat from the bowl, saves pots" I chuckle and she giggles, nodding. We put the laptop over both our laps in the middle of us as we eat, occasionally changing the page on the site.

"I love that.." she says, pointing to a grey and white Moses basket. I nod, adding it to our saved list. "I like it too.." I smile. Once we've finished eating Dakota takes the bowl away and brings us both a hot drink over. I have coffee and she has a tea.

"Do you think you'd want to know what we're having?" She asks, pouting slightly. "Hmm I'm not sure yet.. would you?" I kiss her gently, stroking her hair. "I'm not sure.. I'd like it to be a surprise.." she smiles shyly, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I think my mom and sisters will want to know" she giggles and I chuckle. "They probably will, so they can spoil him or her rotten!" I laugh and she nods. "Most definitely.." She yawns softly.

"They sure do like tiring mommy out already" she laughs rubbing her stomach. "You need a nap baby?" I ask kissing her head gently, moving the laptop from us. "Mmm I might not sleep tonight" she pouts, laying down with her head on my knee.

"I ordered us a 'what do expect when you're expecting' book yesterday" she chuckles, gazing at me. "Least we'll have plenty of time to read it" I smile lovingly down at her. She watches me for a while before turning her gaze to the window, staring into space.

I feel like she's holding back.. like there's something troubling her. "You okay baby?" I ask her softly and she turns back to me and then sits up, facing me. "I'm just scared.. worried" she whispers. "Talk to me baby" I turn to face her too, taking her hands in both of mine.

"Well.. I know the baby's heartbeat is strong and that's so good, I'm glad about that, but there's always the thought of something going wrong in the back of my head. I know I shouldn't but I can't stop it.. and the thought of becoming a mommy in what, eight months? Makes me so feel so sick with nerves" she looks to me, welling up.

"Baby..." I pull her onto my lap, cuddling her close and stroking her back to sooth her whilst she cries a bit into my chest. "This baby is going to be healthy and so amazing, with you as their mommy they'll be so beautiful too. Nothing is going to go wrong the pregnancy is going to go fine, you're going to protect our wonderful baby with everything you have and I'll protect the both of you with everything I have." I feel tears fall from my face as I wipe Dakota's tears.

"And you'll be the best kind of mommy you could ever be to them, you'll love them unconditionally there's no doubt about that." I say, stroking her hair gently as she cries into my top, it tears at my heart. "I love you so much Jamie.. thank you for everything. For always reassuring me and my thoughts" she looks up at me, kissing me gently as she wipes my wet cheeks with her thumbs.

"I love you so much too.. I'll never let anything bad happen to either of you I promise that with everything I have" I say, kissing her tenderly on the lips, she melts against me and wraps her arms around my neck.

"I'm so excited too though.. I don't want you to think I don't want this baby at all.. I do, I'm just worried about becoming a new mom.. and I know we haven't really been public for long people may be horrible about it, but I've loved you since we filmed Grey." She says stroking the hair on the back of my head as we gaze at each other.

"I love you unconditionally Dakota, and I know you love me the same. We made this baby out of our pure love for each other. I honestly don't think I care about what other people think" I say and she grins widely, nodding. "I agree.. I completely agree. People can say what they say" she nods, leaning closer so our lips meet in the middle.

Comments appreciated as always 😘

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now