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At first, it was soft, and Eren thought he might've been hearing things. It was late, everyone in the barracks was asleep, had been for hours. That's how it went every night, the cadets getting some precious rest for their aching bodies but not Eren. He'd toss and turn all night, and the only time he glimpsed sleep, it was flooded with nightmares that would jolt him back awake. There was no way he heard a voice, it must've been his head messing with him again. A fragment of a dream that was beginning to form. And so he shut his eyes and returned to his continual cycle of trying to catch the ever-elusive sleep.

But then he heard it again, louder this time, and he knew it was unmistakably real. Someone was saying his name, their voice soft and quiet. He thought he recognized the voice and quietly crept out of bed and climbed to the bunk above his. Taking a breath, he pulled open the curtains to see Armin laying there, his eyes shut, squirming under the covers. He whimpered, whipping his head around, taking in a quick breath. "E-Eren," he breathed, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Eren figured he must've been having a nightmare. Perhaps reliving the events at Trost as he'd once confided in the brunet. He was going to shake him awake, bring him back from the likely hell he was seeing flash behind his eyelids, but stopped himself mid reach. "Eren p-please..."

Another thought came to mind but Eren dismissed it before it even had a chance to fully form. He was just jumping to conclusions, there was no way it could be—

Armin moaned and turned over to face Eren, his eyes clamped shut and his cheeks flooded pink. His skin was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and his breathing was ragged. His hips twisted under the sheets like he was uncomfortable and Eren felt himself blush. "'M gonna..."

Eren couldn't help but watch shamelessly as Armin squirmed in his bunk. His heart was pounding in his chest and he felt something like excitement beginning to burn somewhere in his stomach. He saw Armin's back arch and he writhed, letting out another small whimper and then it was over and he had settled back into the mattress.

His pyjama pants felt a few sizes too small. He bit his lip, overwhelmed and completely breathless at what he had just witnessed. He tried to leave, to drag himself away now that whatever that was was over. But he stayed, his eyes drifting over Armin's face and realizing, once again, how breathtakingly beautiful his best friend really was. He waited in a moment of silent admiration, tracing every feature of the blond's face before his gentle lashes lifted to reveal ocean blue eyes. Their gazes met and a look of absolute mortification settled on their faces. Armin swallowed nervously. "E-Eren..."

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