The End Of The Persian Navy & That Question

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Faye was placed in chains hidding in the balows of Deimos's ship the girl was scared and hungry. She wanted her mommy to comfort her and tell her this was a nightmare. Her daddy would cuddle with her, telling her a story of a journey he and mama when on or even a tale of her as something in a far away place. Faye wanted to go home and just think of what jokes Hermes could tell her to make her laugh.

Daytime at Athens where Xerxes sits on his throne next his second in commander Deimos where 7 dead Athenian citizens lay dead on the ground.

"The Greeks were fools to stand against us. Leonidas and his pride were no match for the will of a god. Atreus, and Calliope were worthless cowards, and now this navy is barely worth our attention." Xerxes says while drinking wine and eating a chicken leg.

"If those worthless cowards stood at my side we would have laid the world at your feet." Deimos says and Ephialtes is walking to his king with information.

"My king. Your humble servant brings you news. The Greek fleet are defenseless within the Bay of Salamis. You need only to finish them."

"Who commands their forces?" Deimos says wondering if someone else is leading the Greek fleet and Ephialtes replies "Atreus, Calliope and Y-n."

"Calliope and Atreus are dead. Y-n is Atreus's b*tch and their child will be mine to use."

"They are alive. I have seen them myself."

"Ready my troops and armor Artaphernes. We will attack at once."

"Wisdom would have us send a probing force to confirm it is not a trap." Xerxes says to Deimos while drinking another sip of wine.

"You would dare to advise me in matters of war?"

Xerxes gets off his throne, walks to Deimos.

"I am the god-king. I am the one who triumphed over Leonidas. I am the one who laid watse to this showpiece of Athens. I am your king." He yells in a loud voice.

"Killing Leonidas and his men only made them martyrs. And when you razed Athens you set fire to the only thing of value in this country. I will attack the Greeks with my entire navy. Now sit on your golden throne and watch this battle from the safety I provide you." With that said from Deimos he walks away and gets ready for another battle."

On Mount Olympus where Kratos walks to Athena's chamber, he opens the doors, sees Athena on her throne and says in an angry voice.

"Athena, the gods lied to me. My brother lives, he lives."

"It is not too late to turn back Kratos, no good will come of this journey. Your brother was a threat to Olympus Kratos, what was done had to be done. Forgive me."

Kratos starts to remember something that happened to him where he was a child, he remembers when Ares took Deimos and Athena was with the god of war and she says "Forgive me."

"You were there that night? Why? Why didn't you help him!"

"I was there for you Kratos, you had to be saved."

"You should have saved Deimos, I should have saved him." Kratos replies while looking down than looks back at Athena and says, "I will bring my Brother back to who he was and you will stay out of my way."

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