The Welcome Invitation

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The next day Kratos was walking to the statue of Zeus until Athena appeared in front of him.

"Athena what brings you here to this place?" Kratos asks in confusion.

"Kartos tomorrow the gods demand your presence. Zeus wants the boy and your child to fight the God of War, to the death." The goddess of wisdom says but Kratos would not let that happen.

"No Athena, only the boy is capable of fighting him and I do not want my daughter to get involved. Atreus just needs more time to gain control of his power." Kratos says.

"I know Kratos but Ares to told me that if Calliope does not join Atreus in his battle; he will try kill her, your wife and the Atreus's wife and unborn child." Athena says.

Kartos sighed and said, "Very well then Athena, go back to Olympus and leave me be for today. Take this message to the God of War that he has made the biggest mistake of his life, the young warriors will win tomorrow with honor."

With that Athena went back to Olympus to deliver the message to Lord Zeus that Kratos and his family will be coming tomorrow. kratos went back home the next day at morning time to take the news to the family about what's going to happen later on

"This is madness my beloved, our own daughter fighting the God of War. We can't go to Olympus." Lysandra says objecting to this trying to keep her voice down since y-n was napping just after eating rice cakes with pepper flakes and mint leaves on top.

"I see no other way around it Lysandra. if we don't go Ares will kill Calliope, Y-n- her baby and you. But I can't stop him, Atreus has the power to end his life once and for all." - Kratos says

"He's right mother, this is the only way we can all be safe from Ares's wrath." Calliope says trying to comfort Lysandra.

"I agree with you Calliope, we can't just stand around here waiting all day. We have to do something about this, Ares wants his wish then we give it to him we put in end to his pathetic life one way or the other." Atreus says putting on his bow, arrows, and sword while getting ready for his battle with Ares again as Calliope does the same, putting on her battle armor, getting her sword and shield. 'I will have Ares's head on a spear if he even touches my Y-n or our child.'

"The children have a piont Lysandra, you must consider this. It's the only choice we have, they will be ready." Kratos says while giving a soft hug to Lysandra.

She looks up at him and says softly "I suppose you are right my beloved."

Later they all head to the temple of the gods, Athena appeared in front of them, the three mortal girls bowed to the goddess and Atreus also bowed to her by kneeling.

"Athena I believe we should head to Olympus at once." Kratos says keeping an eye on y-n since they started traveling here.

"Of course Kratos." Athena says while activating to gateway to the home of the gods. Everyone appeared on mount Olympus, then they made their way to the gladiator battle arena, and all of the gods were there on their seats to witness the battle that is to come.

"As we are all ready to prepare the battle that will now start, and I should be so kind to welcome my son, Kratos. The general of Sparta to the great kingdom that is known as Mount Olympus!" Zeus says with a loud voice, all of the gods applause, and Kratos says to himself in a whisper 'my father?'

"Now on this day, these two young amazing warriors are to be tested. To achieve a great victory, they must defeat the God of War." Zeus says, points to the gate that is opening and reveals Ares walking out the gate.

"What do you say children, are you ready to perish with honor?" Ares asks with a laugh.

"and what do we get if we win great king?" Atreus questioned

Zeus speaks in a loud voice, "you will all become gods like all of us."

Calliope and Atreus looked at eachother and both said at the same time- "We accept your challenge- Lord Zeus."

Both of them get ready for the battle that's about to start, after getting ready Kratos and Lysandra walk to the kids. Y-n was sitting down with Athena and two other goddesses near by, she just started feeling her babe(s) kick hoping she wouldn't miss the fight.

"Calliope no matter what happens, just know that we will always love and remember you." Lysandra says while tears are strolling down her cheek.

"It's alright mother, we will both win for you. Nothing bad will ever happen again, I promise you." Calliope says giving her mother and father one last hug. Kartos walks over to Atreus, kneels, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Boy you have been a trusted Ally to me and my family, you are a great warrior from the day you fought Ares the first time and here you are fighting him again. win this battle for all of us, and I'm proud to call you my son, perhaps." Kratos says, giving Atreus the heads up that he needs to win this.

"Thank you Kratos, I will win for all of us. I even find it hard to believe that this will be a great story that will be told for a thousand more years or will just be another myth." Atreus says with pride and a chuckle.

Once that was done Kartos and Lysandra walked up to the seats away from the battlefield to sit next to Y-n, Athena and Poseidon. Atreus and Calliope put on their spartan helmets (the spartan helmets from 300) they were on one side and Ares was on the other side, all three warriors pulling out their swords.

"This is it Calliope, the moment we've been training for."

"I agree with you Atreus. Let's finish this once and for all."

"you both have no idea what a true monster looks like" Ares says.

The god unexpectedly grunts in pain, and everyone sees Ares releases these sword blades that are coming out his back (that weird scene what he does in god of war 1 at the final boss fight). Kartos and Lysandra gasp in surprise as Calliope and Atreus did as well. Y-n felt sick and had Artemis help her move out the area seats for freash air.

"Very well then, LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!" Zeus announces.

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