Chapter Two - Memories from the Past

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The sun had already set and Adam was on his way back home. Thanking all the people for being understanding that he's not in the mood for autographs and pictures.

With his hands tucked in his pockets, Adam slowly walked down the road. The temperature started to drop and before he knew it snow had started falling slowly.

Adam looks up and a speck of snow landed in his nose

"If I didn't left her there. That wouldn't happen to her. It's all my fault"


It's Christmas day....

The sun had already set but nothing good nor romantic have happen to our lovers that day.... or should I say for the past two years.

Shakira was waiting patiently outside a cafe with her hair hidden under her cap and a shades on to hide her identity. She was freezing out there waiting for Adam. That night was their monthsary and Shakira texted him to meet at that cafe. Blanca Paradise is the place where they first dated. So this place had been really special for her.

"Adam..... Hurry up." Shakira murmured looking up in the sky. Snow had started falling. Shakira held her hand out to catch some snow.

Four hours had passed and still no sign of Adam... But Shakira stayed there believing that her lover would come. The cafe was already closing

"Hey Miss, what ya doing here all alone?" a man with a red bonnet said together with two other men while walking towards Shakira's direction. Shakira fixed her shades and started walking away.

"Ooh don't be shy miss, wanna play with us." the bearded guy said and grabbed Shakira's wrist.

"Let go off me, please." Shakira said trying get out of their grasp. She's scared now and was hoping that Adam would come to save her.

"Wow, feisty. I like her." skinny tall guy said and before Shakira could know it she was being dragged to the dark alley.

"Adam, help me!" Shakira screamed for help. Her shades and her cap fell down revealing her true identity.

"Look man, it’s Shakira. We caught someone big tonight. Thank you, Santa." The guy with the red bonnet said coming closer to Shakira. Shakira look around for a place to run to but no more way out. It's a dead end.

"Please, go away." Shakira pleaded with tears glistening in her hazel eyes.

"Look Miss, we're not gonna hurt you...... if you behave." They said with a devilish smirk.

"Well, well, well. And I thought this was supposed to be our date night. But look your here flirting with other guys.... oh wait let me correct that, three other guys." A voice coming from the end of the alley said. Shakira looked in that direction and saw Adam. A ghost of a smile appeared on her face but it instantly vanished when Adam's words started to sink in. The three goons started stepping back when they saw Adam's muscular frame.

"Adam, no! It's not what you think-" Shakira explained but Adam cut her off.

"It's not what I think?! Don’t make me dumb Shakira!" Adam spat at her.

"Adam! For once in your life, please! Listen to me. You never gave me a chance to explain. And please I don't need to explain! Can't you see my situation here?!" Shakira defended herself. For all this years she's tired of Adam's attitude she can't take it anymore. But still there's a place in her minds that tells her to just hug him and cry at his chest, that he at least came to see her.... but looking in Adam's face, it doesn't seems like a good idea. His face was blank and his eyes were full of anger.

"Of course, I understand the situation. Sorry for interrupting you. Now go flirt with those bastrds! Make sure you'll use protection." And with those words Adam walked away. Shakira was left there with her mind blanked. She know that Adam cam be a bit rude... She knows he can be a bit over reacting and a bit hard headed. She knows that he can sometimes be bad but she never thought of him leaving her in such dangerous situation. She never knew that he will just left her in the moment she needed him the most.

A punch on her stomach made her unconscious and the next scenes will completely be blank for Shakira....

All she knows that the man who she loved with all her heart.... left her in the time she needed him the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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