1. London

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This high key sucks but okay ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Sean's POV -------------------------------------------------------------

I still couldn't believe Kaycees parents let her come to London with me. When I asked them I expected them to say no unless one of them could come with her. We just landed and were making our way through the airport to grab our bags.

We walked over to the carousel and soon saw our bags coming. She reached for her bag but I picked it up before her.

"Sean I can hold it" she said.

"ive got it" I say firmly I wasn't about to let a girl as amazing and beautiful as her tug around a bunch of luggage.

She shakes her head before we head to boarder control. Everything went smoothly except the line was extremely long. Once we got out of the airport we both were starving.

"You want to get some food" Kaycee asks.

"Sure" I say as my stomach growls.


"ugh i totally forgot about them driving on the left side" I groan as we get in the car.

"I guess were just going to have to figure it out" She says followed by her beautiful giggles. I love the sound of them they can light up any room and make anyone's day better.

Once we got onto the road i found it much easier to drive. Driving on the left wasn't as big of a deal as everyone makes it seem.

Once we started to get more into the city i started to regret my decision to drive. We were in so much traffic and only getting Hungrier b the second.

We eventually found a place to park and started walking trying to find a place to eat.

"We should go there" Kaycee yelled. I could see a few people turn to look at us but she didn't seem to mind.

"Gelatorino Kayc that's not a dinner place" I said looking at her.

She smiled in return and started pulling me towards the shop.

"Kayc we should get some real food first then we can get gelato".

She turned to me quickly "we can get real food later" she said "Now what flavor do you want".

"I guess ill have chocolate" I replied knowing I wasn't getting out of this one.

After we got the gelato we decided to walk down to Piccadilly circus since we weren't that far away.

Once we got there we threw away our empty gelato cups and started to look around.

"Wow" Kaycee said as she admired the place.

I watched her spinning in circles giggling with a huge smile on her face. All I could think about was how much I loved this girl, I just wish I had the guts to tell her.

"You like it here?" I asked.

"I could stay here forever" she answered still in awe.

"well to bad were only here for five days" I said.

She turned around and smacked me lightly in the arm.

"What was that for" I said a little louder than i meant to causing a few people to look in our direction. I gave them a small smile causing Kaycee to give off her contagious giggle. Soon we were both laughing hysterically.

Third person ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Kaycee stopped laughing and turned to look at Sean.

"Sean" she said quietly.

"Yes" he said unsure of what Kaycee was wanting.

"I want to tell you something" she said quietly starting to question if she was doing the right thing by telling him now.

Sean looked down at her "What is it" he asked starting to worry.

"I-I never mind".

"Kayc what is it, you can tell me" Sean whisperer softly.

"I'm scared to".

"What is there to be scared of" He asked softly.


Kaycees pov -------------------------------------------------------------

So many thoughts started to fill my head. I decided to tell him about my feelings on this trip from the moment I knew about it. I was sure he felt the same. Everyone always tells me that he is hopelessly in love with me, but now i'm not so sure. If he doesn't like me back it could ruin our whole dynamic and I don't want to lose him.

"Kayc just tell me" he whispered softly. I could tell he was concerned.

"Please don't hate me" I say as my eyes start to tear up.

"How could I ever hate you, Kayc just tell me whats wrong".

I bring out every last bit of confidence i have. Its now or never.

"Sean i-i-i like you" I wispier closing my eyes scared to see his reaction.

"Kayc" he said causing me to slowly open my eyes.

He starts to say something else but I cut him off "its ok if you don't feel the same way i just".

I get cut off by lips pressing against mine. I sat in shock for a few moments before kissing back. We eventually pulled away and stood there looking at each other.

"Kayc of course I feel the same way" Sean whispered before placing his lips on mine again.

This trip was defiantly going to be one to remember.


This sucks

Well this was my first one shot so don't come at me ill get better the more I write. I was in the mood for writing and this came to mind.

I tried fixing all the mistakes but there's definitely still some in there.

No one really cares but Gelatorino is a real place and i've been there. I also took and edited the photo on top. If anyone is wondering what gelato is its basically just another word for ice cream.

I don't know when ill update but knowing I have an essay due tomorrow probably soon.

Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Anyways tha'ts all I have to say surprisingly enough so yeah idk what i'm saying.

~ Avy

Sean and Kaycee one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz