2. Broken Angel

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And there she was
Looking like an angel
Her smile lighting up the room

But little did i know that she was a
Broken angel
Who just wanted to
Go home


Trigger warning-Mentions of suicide


Sean POV
Tears streak down my face. I look down at her headstone. Its been a year since it happened but it feels like yesterday.

Why would she do this? Why would such a beautiful, sweet, amazing girl like her take her own life? How did we not realize she was suffering?

That day shocked us all. It was so unexpected. We all noticed she was acting differently but we didn't think much of it. We didn't realize it was this bad.


I open the door to the Rice household me and Kaycee were planning on rehearsing today. Her parents welcomed me and told me she hadn't woken up yet. I walked upstairs thinking nothing of it. Kaycee would constantly sleep in. Shes just sleeping. Right. I don't know why I have a bad gut feeling. Nothings wrong.

I knock on the door but she doesn't answer. The door was unlocked so I just walked in. She wasn't there. I look around and see that her bathroom light is on.

"Kaycee" i say while knocking on the door. No reply.

"Kaycee" I say a little louder but she still doesn't reply.

"Kaycee answer me or im coming in" I practically yell.

When she doesn't answer I pull on the door handle only to find it locked. 


When she didn't reply I started to worry. A million different thoughts were going through my head.

"KAYCEE" I screamed before breaking the door down.

Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw.

She laid lifeless in the bathtub. The water blood red. Without even thinking I ran over to her. I pulled her lifeless body to my chest and started sobbing. I couldn't comprehend anything. I didn't know what to think. I start screaming and soon I hear footsteps running up the stairs.

I hear Kylie start to say something. She ran into the bathroom and screamed before breaking down crying.

Her parents follow behind her. Laura breaks into tears at the sight of her lifeless daughter. Brad just freezes before grabbing his phone and calling 911 in a panic.

Soon red and blue lights could be seen through the windows. The police came into the house and took her body away before looking around the bathroom. I noticed a piece of paper sitting on the counter. Something I had missed before.

And now I stand in the graveyard looking down at that same piece of paper. A suicide note. More tears began to fall as I started reading it.

For everyone I left behind

Im so sorry it had to end this way but I couldn't handle it any more. Life became to hard for me to cope with. This was going to happen anyway so I thought I might as well just get it over with. I dont belong here. I know that you're blaming yourselves. Thinking about how you could have saved me. Dont blame yourselves its not your fault. I was a lost cause.

I only have one favor to ask. Dont follow me down this path. Live your life. Follow your dreams. Live your life for me. You belong in this world. You're all so much stronger than I am. You can win the battle I couldn't even begin to fight. Go and do great things. Change the world for me.


My mental health diminished after Kaycee died. I've wanted to end it all many times. But I always kept going. I kept going because I know thats what she would have wanted.

I set the flowers down before walking away.

I always blame myself even though she said not to.

If only I had realized

Then maybe she would still be here.



So that was interesting. I wrote again so yay.

It was a depressing one but thats cool. Expect a lot more like this from me. 

Also Thank you for 100 reads! I know its not that many bu I was surprised when it even got to 10 reads so.

I know im the worst at updating but im basically done with school so hopefully I can get more done soon. I have like a million ideas but I get lazy and dont ever write them.

Well I hope you liked this one.


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