"Stop staring idiot."

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by 11:02, I was in full panic mode.

The creamy broth for the Chicken Gnocchi soup I was making was simmering well and all the vegetables started to soften. However, I wasn't sure if everything would be finished in time. I hadn't placed the small gnocchi balls that I spent all morning making into the soup yet and the batch of breadsticks I had been baking was also smelling like they were burning. I took one sniff of the air around the kitchen and inwardly cringed. Those are definitely inedible I thought to myself as I pulled out the batch and tossed them in the trash. I moved back to the pot to throw in the balls of dough and shifted to begin prepping another batch of breadsticks.

After throwing them in and wiping my forehead of exhaustion, I checked the clock again.

11:10! There isn't enough time!

I swung open the fridge and checked the progress of dessert. The Panna cotta was setting well and all that would need to be done is adding the fresh fruit.

I sighed as I leaned my head against the cold refrigerator door and prayed that the gods of flavor town blessed my cooking and made it so that everything was perfect.

That's right, everything had to be perfect for him.

It was a simple lunch and I'm sure he didn't even expect me to cook, but I was excited to see him again after last night. I fell asleep so quickly it felt like everything was a dream.

Eyeing the clock again, it was about 11:40.

I turned off the stove and the oven and ran in my room to change into something nicer than my night clothes. The outfit laid out on my bed consisted of a navy blue pleated skirt that reached my calves and a simple white blouse that had navy cuffs and a navy collar that matched the skirt. I was quick to change my outfit and floated to the kitchen once again to finish up preparations for lunch.

A knock came at the door and anxiety shot up my spine. He's here!

I wiped off my hands on a towel and shakily opened the door to my apartment to reveal none other than Jotaro Kujo. He was dressed rather nicely in a white button up dress shirt and black khaki pants. The outfit was simple but on him, he looked elegant.

except for the hat.

That paired with the outfit worked out but I wish I could see more of his black hair that curled on its own.

"Stop staring idiot." 

A blush flared and my trance was broken at the insult. I quickly stepped aside to let him in, grumbling about how I just spent hours slaving over a meal and he had the nerve to call me an idiot.


Now we sat across from each one another with only the small table I managed to stuff in my apartment between us. Light conversation had been made here and there as we ate the soup, salad, and breadsticks laid out in front of us.

"You Italians eat like bitches. Why is chicken the only meat in my meal."

"I'm sorry not all of us are giant meat-headed half Americans with picky tastes." I retorted as I sipped my glass of water. "Suggest something next time and I'll do my best to make it," I added with a blush. "Anyway...does it at least taste good?"

"It tastes like you're married."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means what I said. I can taste when a woman puts effort into her cooking for someone she loves. I taste it all the time with my mothers cooking." My entire face went red but I tried to pretend like I didn't hear that and continued eating my soup as quickly as I could without slurping. 

"It's really good. Thank you," he added, dropping a bit of the playfulness from earlier. I watched intensely from the corner of my eye as he finished everything that was set in front of him. I was glad I remembered he was a big boy and eats enough for two people alone.

"I wanted to share some things with you." He said as I finished up my meal as well.  

"Hold on, let me get dessert-" 

A hand wrapped around my wrist and I turned to look at him where he sat.

"I'm leaving Japan." He said slowly. His eyes were cast down into his lap as he spoke, he refused to meet my eyes. " Two days. That's when we leave." My heart broke a little more.

"Jotaro...I know I said I wouldn't fight this...but please..just reconsider-"

"Damn it (y/n) you are not coming!" Jotaro's grip on me tightened. The tears I was trying to hold on to were silently falling down my cheeks in long steady streaks. I did not dare make a single ugly sob or allow my voice to stutter.

"This isn't fair! What am I to do while you are out risking your life! Just sit here and do homework all day?"

"I chose to risk my life and I'm choosing not to risk yours."

"Then what about last night huh? Tell me what that kiss meant!" I blurted out. I did want answers but now wasn't the time. I silently cursed my stupidity.

"It means I care you fucking idiot!" He shouted, standing up and facing my smaller form. I had managed to shake my wrist out of his hand and stood with both arms crossed over my chest. "I had to say something about these godforsaken emotions."

"Why did you choose to share them so close to leaving for Egypt? Why not wait to come home to some confused lost puppy and then share your feelings? You knew it would be harder to leave."

"Because I don't know If I will even survive." 

I sighed and wiped my face free from the old tears so new ones could spring free. The feelings I had for him were causing the endless flow. Worry, hope, and despair clouded my broken heart.  I didn't know what to do. He would never stay and he would never let me go. I was a helpless girl now... I have to say it.

"Jotar Kujo I love you! I love you damn it! " His eyes widened and his heart was probably speeding up just as mine had.

"I will stay in Japan...I won't fight you anymore. Just please for the love of god Jotaro-"

I couldn't finish my sentence. One of his arms caged me to him by my waist while the other held the back of my hand against his chest. My tears were staining his dress shirt but I couldn't have cared less at the moment. My voice was soft and a little muffled by his shirt. My shoulders were shaking now as I cried more.

"I don't want to become another Joestar woman. I don't want to have you suddenly disappear for months on end and return to me broken with no explanation as to what happened to you Jotaro. I don't want to be left in the dark. I want to be assured that you are okay and that you'll return to love me in one piece."

"You won't have to." He spoke softly. His hands began rubbing comforting circles on my back, attempting to get rid of the sadness in my heart. "I'm gonna beat DIO's ass and I'm gonna come back to tell you the tale."

I smiled at the thought and let out a small laugh. I wrapped my arms around his torso and gave him a comforting squeeze. Jotaro's hand removed itself from the back of my head and he tilted my chin up to capture me in his sight. The ocean in his eyes was tame and calm as he leaned down to brush a single kiss on my slightly parted lips.


Surprise update today because I wanted to end the story on 4/20  lol.

Tomorrow while I am out doing questionable things and celebrating the holiday, I will present to you two chapters and Chase will come to its conclusion.

This is the song that sort of pushed me to write Chase. It's one of my favorite Japanese songs and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

Chase {Jotaro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now