Bee's Flying High

Start from the beginning

We all laugh until we realize that the bird is chasing us, or specifically the bee. We all fly into the trees.

Gabby and uncle Hank going one way, Alexander and Kailani (who he let jump on) going another, and Sean an I on our own. 

 "Sean there's another one!" I yell out.

"Hold on!" He begins to fly up super high above the trees. All the sudden the bird knocks into us, causing me to lose my grip on Sean and fall. I knock into leaves and other things as I near the ever growing closer ground. I close my eyes scared to die when all the sudden hands wrap around me, and I feel the familiar fuzz of the bee. 

"Sean, you saved me." 

"Yeah, I guess I did." 

Just as I'm about to say something in response, the bird screeches. "Or maybe not!" He comments.

He get's me to the ground. "Go!"

"Wait what about you?" I ask but he already let go of my hand.

"Sean! What are you doing?" Hank yells out, then grabs me. 

"Hank we have to get him." 

I start running in the direction of Sean, and when I finally reach him, he's clutching his leg, and gasping for air.

"Hey, Vernian. Look at me what's going on?"

"My ankle I can't move it, Lia." 

That's when Hank comes with the rest of our group. "This could be serious. Uncle, I need you to come here and help me look at it." I say, my medical training at the hospital coming through.

"You know what you're doing?" Kailani asks.

"Yeah, my mom's workmates were always showing me things, and after she died I started reading her medical textbooks." 

They nod as Hank kneels down, but Alexander stops us. "Not here, this part of town is even more dangerous after dark." 

"Okay. I'm gonna get you up on three." 

When we lift up Sean I grab Hank's bag, looking at our medical kit as we search for a place to make camp.


We finally make it to a suitable place to make camp and just in time to because it's dark.

"Has the swelling gone down?" Kailani asks.

"It's dislocated pretty bad. We might be here a while." I answer.

"Well, we'll go get some water." She volunteers, her father going with her.

"Sean, I'm going to have to pop back in place." 

He sighs. "Okay, lets do it." 

"I'll brace him, Alexander, Jules you do it on three." 

I walk to Alexander's side and whisper. "Do it before one, he won't be so tensed that way." 

He nods, and just as I said so he goes and pops his ankle on one. 

"What happened to two and three?" Both Sean and Hank ask.

"I told him not to, because when a patient is tense the pain is heightened. It wasn't so bad." I explain. 

Sean looks at me in disbelief. "Well, it wasn't very good." 

I give him kiss on the cheek. "It'll subside. Thanks again, for saving my life."

"You're welcome." He smiles softly through the pain.

"There's nothing for the pain. But I can wrap it a little so as to add pressure, which should lessen it, and if any one can make you laugh that would help." 

"Well, if anyone can make me laugh it's you." He comments, but notices the fact that his grandfather, and Hank are around and clears his throat. "But why will that help?"

"Laughing releases endorphins, and endorphins are let out when you first hurt yourself so as to help with the shock." I answer, as I start to wrap his ankle. 

Alexander pulls out a ukulele. "How about this?" 

Sean shakes his head. 

"Don't worry, I don't sing to guys under the stars, in front of a cozy fire." My uncle state. "But she might."

"You can sing?" Alexander ask, both of us.

"A little bit, her... a lot of bit." 

"Brilliant!" The older man exclaims. Music is natures painkiller. You two sing him a song."

I smile. "Come on uncle if you sing him what a wonderful world, I will sing Brother IZ." 

"Okay, don't worry I got something special for you." He says to Sean, as he takes the Alex from his hands.

He starts to tune the instrument and to test it he strums, but it sounds pretty bad.

"Oh, that's supposed to make me feel better?" Sean asks skeptically.

"Slow down, just got to get it in tune. Takes a big man to play a little guitar." He says, making a reference. 

"And a even bigger one to listen." 

That's when he begins to sing,

I see trees of green

Red roses too

I see them bloom for me and you

And I think to myself 

What a wonderful world

I see giant bees and I could have told you don't trust Alexander he's older than yoda

And I think to myself 

What a wonderful world.

The island that we stand on

Well it's currently sinking

Sending those secret codes 

What the heck were you drinking 

But it's all in the past 

 We wiped the slate clean

We're going to find Nemo's submarine

And you'll think to yourself 

What a wonderful world. 

"Oh that was extraordinary."

"What, my multiple talents?"

"No, after all these years finding the elusive singing Sasquatch." Alexander jokes. "But seriously, where'd you learn to play like that?"

"Uh my dad used to sing it to me when I was a kid." Hank answers. I know this is a hard subject for him to talk about.

"Remind me to buy him a drink when we get back." Alexander says.

"Yeah, good luck finding him." Uncle retorts bitterly.

"Why? Where is he?" Sean questions.

Hank shakes his head. "Don't know. He left when I was 8 and I haven't seen him since." 

The two Anderson's don't know what to say, so they look down. "Hey, but at least I got a good song out of it, right? Which reminds me. Julia, you said you would sing for us too."

"Right. Hand me the Ukulele." 

I start to strum. "This is a song that is just so close to my heart, and I think anyone who's lost anybody in their life. It's called white sandy beach by Israel Kamakawiw'ole  (song at the top). After I finish singing, Sean turns to me and says. "You're amazing."

I blush and push one of my hairs behind my ears. "Thanks." 

"Alright you two, let's make some beds." Hank instructs.

Together we gather up large leaves to make pretty okay beds. I sleep in next to Sean as I am his nurse. 

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