Nemo's Sub

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When I finally wake up, it's because I feel a sense of warmth leave and then I hear a small splash. I realize Sean was holding me, and when I look around there is water surrounding us. "Sean..."

"Yeah, I see it. Hank! Hank, get up!" He calls out. 

"Everybody get up!" Hank says as he sees the water.

"Where's all this water come from?" Kailani asks.

"It looks like the liquefaction rate tripled overnight." 

"What's that mean?" She questions further.

"It means this Island is sinking a whole lot faster than we thought." I answer.

"I thought you said a couple of days?" Alexander questions. 

"Now, more like a couple of hours." Hank answers.

"A couple of hours?!" Sean exclaims.

"We need to get to that Sub now, or we're all gonna be twenty thousand leagues under the sea."

All of us start to grab our supplies when Kailani begins looking for her dad. "Papa?" She repeats.

"He's gone."

"Stay calm. He's probably gone pee."

The other Polynesian girl sighs, and throws her head back. "Oh no!"

"What?" Sean asks.

 "Last night he promised me he would send me to college. Now I know what he meant. He's going after the mountain of gold." She explains. "Look, I got to get him. You guys head to the sub. If we're not there in time, leave without us." 

"No way. You're not going alone. We'll go with you." Sean says hobbling to her with my support and his new walking stick.

"Sean, you have a dislocated ankle. That's at least 4 miles."

The young Anderson disagrees, claiming that he'll be fine, if I can help him.

"No, Sean. He's right." Alexander interjects. "You're in no condition to make that trip."

"Well, she can't go alone." Sean points out, me nodding in agreement.

"Then I'll go with her. I'm the one who called you to this island, and it's my fault you're in this quagmire." He pulls out the map. "If this map of ours is right, then the trident cliffs  should be about a mile and half in that direction. You get to the Nautilus as soon as you can, and then meet us on the shoreline here." He points to a spot.

"We only have one map." The Vernian brings up.

Uncle asks Sean for his phone, and takes a picture of the map. "Now we have two." 

"Hank, well done."

"Thank you... For calling me Hank." 


I hug Kailani. "Be careful."

"You too." 

She also hugs Sean, whispering in his ear, making him turn red, and look at me. That's when Alexander and her take off, and Sean grabs my hand. "You ready?"

"I guess I have to be." 

A/N - You guys I am so sorry I totally thought that I posted this at least a week ago and that would give me time to work on other stories so.... here is a long over due post.

Enemies - A Sean Anderson storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin