Broken In.

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It has been a few days since I was dropped off, and I'm starting to feel like I have been broken in, or that I understand the dynamics of the house. Hank and Liz are really trying to bond with Sean, but Sean, is pushing away, because he resents Hank. Sean also can be really funny, and cute, but at other times he can be a total jerk. 

Today Sean has been holed up in his room all day, and me being me, decided that it would be best if someone checked on him. I knock on his door, where there is music blasting.

"Sean, it's me Julia. Just checking up on you, see if you wanted anything to eat."

At that Sean opens the door, only to look angry, not appreciative. "Look, thanks for the offer, but I don't need your help. I made myself enough food to fend for myself, but I'm dealing with something important right now. Bye!" After his rant he shuts the door quickly, but not before I saw all the high level gadgets in his room. 

"Jerk." I mumble walking away towards the living room, going to write for English class, to make up the hour of free writing that I will miss this week.

In the end after writing for an hour, I had written three poems, a short story, and a song; all of them about how angry I felt, to say I was inspired by Sean's attitude would be an understatement.


It wasn't to long of a day when Sean finally comes out of his room, and we all have dinner. At first it is all small talk, but then the conversation shifts to me. "So, I saw you writing on your computer this afternoon, what was it?" Liz asks me.

"Oh, I just have to make up some free writing time for class that's all." I simply answer then taking a bite out of my meat loaf.

"What did you write?" Hank questions further. 

"Just a poem or two, a shot story, and a song. Nothing special." I state.

"You can write poetry?" Sean inquires, surprised. 

"Yeah, it's something that comes naturally, but normally when I'm upset."

Then the question that I hoped no one would ask came up. "So, can you sing us the song?" 

"Not yet." I lied. "I don't have a melody yet, and I have to do that first."

"Alright, when you do let us know." Liz says.

"I will promise."


The rest of dinner went fine, and we all had a nice time for the most part, even Sean. When we all went to bed, I got to work on the story I had been writing, it's an adventure novel, but I can't seem to figure out how to end the book.

I start writing, but I soon hear the familiar sound of someone jumping out the window to sneak out. When I look out the window, there's Sean getting on a motorcycle and walking it out to the street. This leaves me with three options: 

1. Go with him, and potentially get caught, probably resulting in me going back home.

2. Tell on Sean, and continue to be his enemy.

3.  Go to sleep, and pretend I never heard, or saw anything, and then make him owe me.

Out of all the options, number three seems the most appealing, so I turn off all the lights and go to sleep.


I am woken up, by the sound of Hank knocking on my door. 

"Coming!" With that I open my door with sleepy eyes, and messy hair.


"Yes, uncle?" 

"Did you know that Sean, sneaked out of the house tonight?"

"No." I simply answer, knowing if I try to explain my cover will be blown.

"Alright, let's go get him."

"Go get him? What's wrong?" I ask, grabbing a pair of slippers, and a sweater. 

"He got arrested for breaking in to a satellite facility." If only I went with him, he would've never been caught.

After Hank's answer, we walk to the car, and drive in silence, leaving me to wonder why he brought me in the first place. When we finally arrive at our destination I can see that Sean did some crazy damage. 

Hank orders me to stay in the car, and from what I can see, Sean is pissed. Not because he got caught, but because, Hank is the one to pick him up.

"What's she doing here?" Sean asks as he gets in the car.

I'm about to respond, but I couldn't think of a reason. "Yeah, why am I here?"

"Because, I needed to make sure, you were telling the truth, about not knowing anything, so I needed to see the surprise on your face."

"And..." Me and Sean ask in unison.

"You told the truth." 

I almost sight a breath of relief, but then I realize that will give me away, so I just act normal.


When we get home, I can tell Liz is pissed, but also very concerned.  

"You know, I'm just going to go up to my room, and let ya'll deal with this family discussion."

"Goodnight dear." Liz says to me.

Instead of going to my room, I go to Sean's and wait.

I can hear some yelling, and a little bit of pleading, but other than that the pow wow, isn't long.

When he comes up, and opens his door, he rushes past me and, I clear my throat.

"What the hell, Julia?!" He whisper yells.

"Listen, I saw you leave the house."

"No you didn't, Hank said that you didn't know anything."

"I'm a great liar, my stepmom is a bitch that is cheating on my dad, I have to be good at it." 

"Then why did you lie?"

"Because, I thought it was nothing this serious, and because, we don't have to stay disliking each other so much." 

"Fine, what do you want? Should we braid each others hair?"

"Don't be an ass! I want to know what you were doing?" 


"Please." I say making my sad face.

"Fine! I'll tell you, but in the morning." He says.

"Alright." With that, I walk out of the room and into mine, and fall asleep sound knowing I may have my own adventure soon.

Enemies - A Sean Anderson storyWhere stories live. Discover now