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On the plane, both me, and Sean have realized there is a lot we have in common. We both love reading, we both are straight A students (although I am in AP classes), and we both have a similar sense of humor. Our favorite thing so far, is the fact that our want of an adventure comes from relatives in our family, his is from his grandfather, and mine is from my Mom, my real mom.

"Jewel, tell Sean how many books you've read."

"That's not necessary, he already knows that I love to read." I say, embarrassed.

"Oh, come on, it can't be that bad."

"Alright, if we're counting from when I was 7 years old, I have read over 600 books." I say with a nervous smirk on my face.

"How in the Hell?" Sean asks perplexed.

"I love to read, and my dad, before my mom died, built me a little library."

When I say little, Hank rolls his eyes. "By little she means, that her dad took one the spare room they had and made it a library, and that her bedroom has a whole wall dedicated to books."

"So that's how your step-mom gave you so much money, you're rich!"
"I don't know about that, we we're well off before, but my evil step-mother Janis is starting to spend it on things, and random trips out of town that don't make sense." I say.

"Hey like I said, when it's time, I'll help you expose her, and I'm sure Sean would love to help."

"Yeah, especially after this trip."

Before I get to respond we are told to start getting ready for our landing.

"You ready for this, Vernian."

"Are you Lia?"


When we arrive on Palau, Sean is a little over-confident in his abilities, but I prefer to let him learn that he isn't always right the hard way.

"Easy, buddy. Just remember who's financing this whole trip." Uncle says.

"Queen Isabella didn't tag along with Columbus." Sean responds.

Hank chuckles "Okay, Isabella. I'll let you handle your thing. We'll see how..." He didn't finish his sentence, because once he saw a big lizard he freaked out a bit, causing both me and Sean to laugh.

"Big man's afraid of lizards?" Sean says, tapping my arm.

"I love lizards... when they're boots and belts." Hank says the last part mostly to himself.

When we finally see someone with a boat, Sean decides to take the lead, but he is completely ignorant. "Hey, how's it going? We, Uh... We Americans. You tour guide."

"Sean." I say.

"Lia, I got this." He reassures. "You take us on boat. On water." He continues slowly.

"You wanna charter a boat?" The man asks us.

Sean looks at me. "The official language of Palau? English." I tell him with a smug smile.

"Thank you." The young man says, then turns back to the tour guide. "Yeah, we need someone to take us to an island... located here."
The man takes one look at the map, and immediately shakes his head. "Absolutely not."

"Why not?"

"Because there is no island, just a bunch of storms. It's a graveyard for ship."

"We'll pay you good money, $1000!" Sean yells after him.

"Only a fool trades his life for money."

As soon as those words leave that mans mouth, another man comes up and introduces himself. "Hey, I'm Gabato Laguatan, best captain in Palau. I understand you are in need of transportation." We all nod.

"That's great. We need someone to get us here. A thousand bucks if you can."

In contrast to the other man, Gabato answers yes immediately. "Easy-peasy, let's go.... Here we go. Let's go man this is going to be good. You won't be disappointed. I've taken hundreds of people out to sea. I've come back with them almost every time." We all look up to this beautiful boat and are astonished.

"Nice ride." The boys state.

"Thank you." He continues to repeat, but then we see his actual ride, and it's some shady looking helicopter.

"What in the world is that?" I ask.

"That's the finest helicopter in Palau." Gabato states like it is obvious.

"I'd hate to see the worst." Sean says leaning over to me.

All the sudden the Palauan man opens the door, and chickens fly out of the coop. "Oh! That's my security system."

"I'd rather take the Titanic." Hank comments.

"Kailani! We have customers here." Gabato yells out. "You simply must meet my daughter. She's a real beauty. Looks just like me." When he says this a goddess of a woman walks out, and Sean is already drooling all over her, causing me to roll my eyes.

"This chopper's not going to work out." Hank and I agree.

"You know what, Hank? Now that I get a better look at it, this chopper's pretty freaking gorgeous." Sean says, clearly staring at the girl.

"This daughter looks like you?"

"Look. Same nostrils."

"Who are these guys." The daughter says, obviously uninterested.

"I am a scientific explorer. And they are ..."


"Hank, and ..."

"Julia." I say immediately feeling a twang of pain, and maybe a bit of jealousy.

"Right. So, we need to get to these coordinates." Sean explains, showing her the map.

Immediately the girl, who I believe name is Kailani goes "Not on this helicopter. That's the deadliest part of this ocean."

Gabato, clearly trying to stop his daughter, grabs her and has a little meeting with her.

"Wow, Sean. Way to respect and honor a girl. Maybe all guys should learn your method. Stare, and glance at her boobs."

"Whatever, you're just jealous."

"Like I will ever be jealous of being drooled on." I say with a eye roll.

Before the boy can respond, Kailani walks up. "Make it $2000."

"What we had a deal!" I defend.

"Then make it $3000. And good luck finding someone to take you there."

Sean looks back at Hank and simply goes "Please?" and with that Hank gives in, obviously trying to make it work between him, and his step-son.

Uncle pays, and we all get in to the helicopter. Me, Kailani, and Sean in the back with me in the middle, and slightly leaning onto the boy.

Gabato is giving some sort of tour guide speech, but I can't focus on him as Sean is trying and failing to flirt with the poor Palauan girl. "It's a beautiful sky, huh?"

Both of us girls just nod our heads. "I mean, today just seems so majestic." When the words leave his mouth, I visibly cringe.

"Majestic." She quotes, while I simply just add a 'really'. "I have to finish this in-flight safety check."

"Of course."

"Way to embarrass yourself." I say with a chuckle.

We see some tough waves, and a giant hurricane right where we need to land. "We need to go around the storm." Hank instructs.

"According to the coordinates that's where the island is." Sean states.

Exsasperated Kailani yells out "There is no island!"

"We're about to find out." I say, as we continue to fly closer to the storm.

Enemies - A Sean Anderson storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora