Comfort Not Just To One

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Ashley was now in her room, resting as she was completely asleep, eyes closed and everything. As she dreamt peacefully, she was suddenly but lightly shook awake by Asori.
Asori:Look, I didn't want to wake you up or anything. But, I need to talk with you.
Ashley:"grunts" What's up?
Ashely said as her posture was now the same as Asori sitting on her bed.
Ashley:Ya know, I was gonna talk with you later, like maybe tomorrow. But, I guess you got here first. So, what's up?
Asori:I... I can't sleep. I'm having nightmares. About... About.
Asori stopped herself there as she couldn't bring herself to speak as she was clearly afraid out of her mind.
Ashley:Hey. It's ok.
Ashley suddenly puts her arm around Asori as she finds the right words to try to cheer her up.
Ashley:Its about Jarred, isn't it?
Asori:No. It's about my parents.
Ashley:Your parents?
Ashely was confused. Did she know them? Cause Ashley and everyone else swore Asori talked about never knowing her parents other then their last name Zara.
Asori:I don't know where they are or why they gave me up but it brought me back to that moment of them leaving me followed by Jarred and then you guys.
Tears began falling from her face as she continued talking but her voice wasn't breaking. Ashley was concerned but wanted to be cautious.
Asori:I mean, I know it's stupid but-
Ashley pulled Asori's face up to her's, looking straight in the eyes with serious but caring eyes.
Ashley:Don't believe any of that crap. You're not a mistake. And, we'd never leave you.
The two of them then resumed hugging as Asori buried her face in Ashley's shoulders.
Ashley:And, I'm very grateful to have friends like you. Trust that for sure. You guys really did save me and you guys are my family now.
Asori:"sniffles" Same here.
The two of them then held each other for the rest of the night, not worrying about negative thoughts, or anything, for that matter. The next morning, as the two made their way downstairs, the rest of the team were making breakfast, with Jayden mixing the pancake batter, Aubrey cooking the eggs, and Shadow Bird setting up the table.
Jayden:Hey guys, good morning.
Shadow Bird:Good morning, glorious girls in black, red, and purple. Shall we do strawberry and grape juice mixed together for two fine ladies today?
Shadow Bird answered in a fancy waiter accent. The two girls chuckled at that point, which was ceased by their talking.
Ashley:Yeah sure, Batman knockoff.
After the team have breakfast, Ashley and Asori were seen walking around the city. The team were staying home today to work on other things and Asori offered to tag along with Ashley as company. Ashely didn't mind, in fact, it was nice to have someone to hang out with today. And, given what happened last night, it would've been a jerk move on Ashley's part to just leave her behind. After a moment or so, the two girls stopped at a video game shop. As they were exploring the wide variety of games, one in particular really got Ashley's attention. That was the widely loved, endlessly praised game adaptation of the Checkered Swordsman. The Checkered Swordsman; Ambiguous Crimson. Immediately after a look at its description, and her love of the comic book series that inspired it, Ashley was now seen at the counter having just finished purchasing the game.
Carter:I see you're ok with that stuff, I take it?
Ashley turned to see Lieutenant Carter, the girl in the black and red pullover clearly surprised and clearly questioning what in the world was he doing here. But, after taking a glance at Sam checking out some video games, she understood why.
Ashely:You wanna talk outside?
Carter said, but not before taking a quick glance at Sam and Asori talking positively with each other, pretty much leaving the two in good hands for right now.
Ashley:Ya know, I just wanna say thanks.
Ashley said as Carter and her were outside the shop.
Carter:Ohh, it's not a problem. Trust me, I've dealt with this before.
Ashley:Must've been rough.
Carter:You have no idea. Hey, you wanna meet like every Saturday, just you and me?
Ashley:You know what, sure. I mean, I don't have anything to do most Saturdays. So, yeah.
Sam and Asori then found themselves outside of the video game shop, having just finished their game shopping with items they wanted in hand.
Carter:You guys wanna get some lunch?
Asori:Sure thing.
Ashley:Count me in.
All smiles, the group made their way to the food court, happiness and good food all around.

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