Chapter 36: Ronnie

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We travel for about another two hours.  The roads becoming more congested and traffic is making our travel time even longer.  Jason pulls into a gas station to fill the gas tank and soon we are back on our way.  Soon, Jason takes us off another exit where the roads are vacant.  Only a couple buildings and no one seems to be out.

                “Why the hell did you pull off this exit?”  Saige says looking out the windows at the dark sights.     

                “Because it’s the only one we’re going to find in the next couple miles.”  Jason says.  “Besides it’s not so bad.”

                “I think we should just try to find someplace to stop and find directions, please.”  Kimberley says. 

                It’s another five or ten minutes before we find some people walking around and a building where there are some old looking cars parked around.

                “Where are we?”  I ask petrified of the town.  Deserted and dark are two adjectives to describe it. 

                “I don’t know but as I look at it, I just hope someone knows directions and we can get out of here!” Kimberley says starting to close the curtains

                “Oh come on,” Blake urges, “Don’t think we can handle this town.  If anything this place can’t handle us.”

                Wish I could be as cocky as you.  I think to myself.  Kimberley just rolls her eyes.

                “Your call Kim, what do you want to do?”

                “All we need is directions, I think this town we’ll be fine.”  She decides.  “Besides, I just don’t feel like driving any longer.”  She says, stretching

                As we keep getting closer my stomach keeps tightening.  I don’t want to go to this place, but we need to find directions. 

                As we park across from the bar there is an old beat up sign reading Welcome to Graven.  The houses here have beat up windows, blocked doors, and holes in the roof.  Kimberley though, is the first to open the door and step out.  Saige, and I follow. 

                “I’m going to hang back with Jason.”  Ivan says.  “Keep him company.”

                “Fine, if you’re too scared why don’t just admit it.”  Saige says to her brother.

                “Hey, stop it,” Blake says flicking his sister in the head.  “Let’s just go, come on.”

We walk across the road to the bar. I flinch when I see a little girl standing on the side of the road with a doll in her hand.  She has on a muddy, ripped white dress with messy long hair.  Her whole body is covered with dirt and filth.  I just pray she isn’t a demon watching us.  “Wait guys.”  I run back across the street and tell Ivan to hand me a can of any food.  He hands me some green beans. 

I run back over and walk slowly to the little girl.  I hold out the can for her, gesturing for her to take it. She doesn’t move an inch.  I’m surprised, a person with weapons would defiantly scare me off if I was her size.  But she just looks up at me with wary eyes.  Her body is all bones.  No muscles. 

I crouch down to her level, open the can, and extend my hand again.  She hesitates then steps back like its poisoned.

“Come on take it,” I reassure her in a soothing voice.  I take one out and put in my mouth eating it.  “You can have it.  It’s okay.”

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