Chapter 35: Kimberley

Start from the beginning


  I close the journal and slip it back into my coat.  Ronnie turns her head towards me and looks up and down.  “What?”  I say.

                “Can I read it?”  She asks holding her hand out for the book.

                “You can read it when you do an entry of your own.”  I say.  She raises her lip in anger and slouches a bit, folding her arms.  Like a little kid.  I grin a little and feel an uneasy feeling. 

                I want to tell Jama where we’re going.  I don’t want to upset him, I don’t want him to worry.  I have to make myself keep seated and not go running back in and telling Jama we’re leaving.


                While Ronnie and I wait we make sure we have enough supplies in our packs and I tell her the food I brought.  Ronnie turns to me and takes something out around my neck.  It is the eagle necklace I found in Mom and Dad’s room.  I see her face turn sullen.  “Do you think mom will be with us?”  Ronnie says running her fingers over the pendent.  I give her a soft smile.  “Yeah, I think she will be.”  Ronnie lets the pendent go and I stuff it back into my shirt so the pendent isn’t showing.  I feel its weight around my neck.  I sigh hoping she is with us.  And that she forgives me for what I’ve done and what I’m going to do.  Then I notice four figures coming up from the hill. 

                Jason is leading them.  Blake, Ivan and Saige stand behind him or next to him.  Ronnie and I get to our feet.  “Ready?” I say.  Jason looks between Ronnie and me.  He wears a blue military coat with black gloves and black boots.  Blake wears a black coat with brown cameo pants and boots.

                “Are you sure about this?” he says again making me think about my decision.  But I take the bags I placed on the ground and swing them over my shoulders. “I should ask you the same thing?”  I grunt as I take on the extra weight.

                Jason hesitates for a minute but then grins.  “You need help carrying those.”  He asks taking the food bag. 

                “Thanks.”  I say.  I look at Saige and Ivan as they greet Ronnie.  But Ivan makes his way back over to the boys and me.      

                Ivan wears a blue coat with fur in the hood and black pants.  Saige wears a white coat with fur in the hood and black pants as well.  Both wear brown boots with black gloves.

                “What do we do now, Kim?”  Jason asks.  I look amongst the group and see everyone start to turn their attention to me.  I start to freak out.  I’m leading this group, this was my idea.  I have to do this.               

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