A little later on me, Merida and Jack were on the front porch when sprinklers were set off by a drunken idiot. Looking up I saw two guys brawling about on the grass whilst water was flying over them.

"Walt High star athletes everyone!" Merida shouted at the two boys. They both noticed and one of the boys quickly stood up as if he were embarrassed. That was soon replaced with a smile. "Sorry boys but I can't have you in Rapunzel's house all wet."

The brown haired boy frowned "Really? I mean it's not a party without us!"

"We'll take our chances." Merida said as she walked inside.

Jack stood closer to me and pointed at the two boys telling me who they were. "The guy with black hair is Eric Hanover, he's a nice enough guy and the guy with Brown hair is Flynn Rider. He is obsessed with Merida but she has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with him," Once Jack told me that I felt a little disappointment but I'm not too sure why. "They're idiots but they're sweet idiots." He finished as he walked back into the house.

I looked over and Flynn had taken his shirt off and was squeezing it to try and get it to stop dripping. He looked over and smiled at me, showing he dazzling white teeth. I looked down attempting to hide the blush which was clearly covering my cheeks.

You see that's where the trouble began. That smile. That damned smile...

The one and only Merida moved away at the start of the year. She was the kind of friend that couldn't be replaced , even by crushing on the boy she left behind. Having a crush on Merida was kind of the only remarkable thing about you. But Flynn, you were my kryptonite.

"Eric who?" Merida asked. She was facetiming me for the 5th time this week and it was only Wednesday.

"Hanover." I said as if it were the most simple thing in the world.

"Oh! Sorry, I'm learning all these new boys names and I've dragged most of the old ones into the trash icon in my head." She said whilst tapping her head.

"Anyway I know you kinda wanted me to give Eric a try but-"

"But," she interrupted "You're into Flynn..." she said giving me a smirk. I gave a shy smile as she knew she was right.

"I'm so messed up..." I said remembering what she had said.

I heard her sigh under her breath before she spoke up "If it's what you really want then I suppose I'll give you my consent."

The next day I was enjoying my walk to the gate with Jack when you pulled up next to us.

"Ride home?" Flynn asked me. I looked in the car and saw Eric at the driver's seat and Hans in the back. Jack automatically got in and gave Eric a quick 'boy handshake'.

"Thanks, but no. My chariot awaits." I said gesturing towards the school bus. I walked away and sat on the bus. Not moment later Flynn came waltzing onto the bus.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked.

"You don't take the bus."

"I don't? Well I guess it's your lucky day!" He said with joy and sat at the window seat.

"So could I... I don't know, get your number or something?" He asked immediately.

"Or something? So I could give you my phone number or I could give you a bunch a fake nuclear launch codes..." I said trying to be smart with him.

He chuckled slightly "I'll just take your number." He stated whilst holding out his phone for me to type in my number. Once he was satisfied I stood up and swung my bag on my shoulder.

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