"C'mon Andrin, you're doing great, stay with me."

Koren's whisper was muted. My eyes drifted shut again, but with great effort I pulled them back open.

The gentle patter of rain outside was drowned by Andrin's labored breathing.

Koren was hastily wrapping another layer of bandages around Andrin's middle. "This isn't working, this isn't working."

I crawled over and laid a hand on Andrin's sweaty forehead. It was burning up, but he was shivering.

Rummaging through Andrin's bag, Koren tossed bottles and herbs to the ground. "He must have something, there must be something in here."

I checked the new bandages. They were clean still, but I could see the patch of red beneath creeping through the cloth.

"This..." Koren breathed behind me. He held up a little bottle with a red string tied around the neck. It was about three swigs of a murky yellow liquid.

"What is that?"

Koren ignored me, instead wrenching off the stopper and pouring a few drops into Andrin's mouth. His eyes never left the Animaré's face. "Just need you lucid enough to talk," he murmured.

"Koren what does that do?"

He shushed me, so I gave up and waited.

A few seconds later Andrin's eyelids fluttered and his breathing became more ragged. His eyes opened wide for a moment before he screwed them up in pain. A horrible groan slipped through his gritted teeth.

"Stay down." Koren gently laid a hand on Andrin's arm. "You're awake for just a little while, then you won't be anymore."

Andrin's eyes darted from Koren's face to mine and back. "I don't... what... am I dying?"

Koren opened his mouth, but for once couldn't seem to form words.

"You're hurt Andrin, the Ska'al it... he got you." I glanced at Koren, expecting a glare, but his eyes were locked on Andrin. "You're bleeding and we need to know how to stop it. You're the one we need to save you."

"Got it, good it was at least... ah... at least a Ska'al. Did I get it back?"

Koren cut him off. "Andrin, a medicine, bandage, salve, something, this will only keep you awake for so long." He swished the little bottle.

Andrin took a few quick breaths, eyeing the bottle. "There's a paste, it's in my bag, red in a brown bowl. It'll patch the bleeding, maybe even... maybe even numb it some." He laid his head back. His strength was fading again. "Shaman. Will know. How to fix internal. I might get sick. I will get sick, the Y'ririn—"


"Yes. Koren gave me. To stay awake... but it's a poison... Shaman... explain... Koren..." He slumped back against the rock.

"It's this, here let me get this on him." Koren already had the brown bowl and hastily unwrapped the wound.

"Koren did you know...?"

Blood spilled out of the bare wound faster, and the red paste made it hard to tell if it was working.

"Koren come on!"

"Yes Sedris, I knew, or at least thought I remembered. It's a last-ditch jolt to keep someone going, but Andrin told me it wasn't kind to the body. That doesn't matter if someone's almost dead though does it?"

I sat back in shock. "He's not going to die Koren," I whispered. "He can't die."

He gave me a long, hard look, up and down. "He can. That's why I need you to help me save him."

This is it then. I gave a shallow little nod and turned away, a tightness settling into my chest.

We'll save him.

Hang on Andrin, I'm not letting you go too.

* * *

"One... two... one... two..."

My boot landed squarely on each rock with a quick tap. Trailing my fingers briefly across the smooth rock face, I let my feet sweep me again from stone to stone. It was automatic, jumping between boulders—it was easy.

"And left, and right. One and two, and three."

"He can't go over the mountains Sedris."

I caught the ledge and scrambled up and over, replaying what Koren had said.

"You will definitely outrun the Ska'al. No chance you would... they won't be a problem for you."

Beneath my hands, my feet, the stone flowed like water, swift and strong, but also solid, immovable. Not much else was familiar, but this at least, was effortless.

"Here." He had slid the amulet in my hand. "If they catch us, at least they still won't find what they're looking for."

"They won't catch you Koren, you'll find me waiting at the Crossroads. I will find the shaman. I know I will."

Surrounded by jagged, grassy cliffs draped in flowers and sunlight, it all felt so far away. But cool stone under my hands and solid rock beneath my feet brought gritty success close enough to taste. The barren plains were far behind, with mountains up ahead.

I hadn't bothered asking if he trusted me to come through. I didn't really want the answer.

"You're right Koren, I know." I had put us in danger at every turn, let the fear and anger take control. The magic wanted out and wanted fed, and I hadn't done a thing to stop it. "You're right, but I'll prove you wrong. For Andrin."

I knew I could do it, and I knew I would.

"He won't die... you won't end up like me."

The rocks were stoic. I wished they could tell me I could keep that promise to Koren, a promise he'd never hear. There was no telling whether Andrin's death would take Koren's life too, or if he'd go on as a Solace as I had. It was hard to imagine their Bond wasn't strong enough that one's death would sap the life from the other. But still...

Somehow Lylisia hadn't taken me with her. Somehow, I was here, and she was... somewhere else, and I knew I couldn't let go of anyone else I loved.

I decided mid-thought to cut it off, to stop thinking before it was too difficult to picture it all, lest it summon up the magic once more. I would keep it under control, and I would save Andrin. Koren would get them both there, safe. He would.

He had to.

One step after another. One, two. I could do it with my eyes closed.

"I'm sorry Lill," I whispered. "I won't let them down too."

Solace Curse: Part IWhere stories live. Discover now