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Have you ever meet the girl where you can't figure her out? Like you can talk to her, joke with her but than at the same time you seriously know nothing about her. You don't know where you stand with this girl but all you know is she's cute, adorable and probably if given the chance you'd take her out. Hopefully not Mickey D's because than she'll just think your cheap or she'll just take it as a joke and friend zone your ass. In all seriousness you want to figure her out. Her imperfections, her hobbies, even her past. This girl is lovely an In every way shape or form you want to take any opportunity to be around her. Sometimes you don't know why every hour spent with her is more important than anything else. You don't understand why your hovering around her like a puppy an when she's gone you act like nothing fun can be done. At some point you start to realize that your not only dog around, there's a few. You don't assume she's been around but than accidentally you do. Jealousy suddenly comes into play an you realize You need to focus on someone else but when you do just that no else seems to fill that void. You don't laugh the same with someone else, you act the same but you know as much as you want to stop liking this lovely girl you can't an your suddenly attacked by that gut wrenching feeling of butterflies that you wish you could just give up. As the lost sorry puppy that you are you begin to wander off trying to avoid that lovely girl an when she finds you she makes you feel special. She treats you, she smiles at you as if your not compare to the other dogs that are just watching. You try your best not to look satisfied because you assume she does this to everyone else, you aren't special you were just one of the lucky ones today. An when she leaves you try to figure out why those feelings come an go an why you can't just stop an ask her why. Why are you making me feel this way when only the sight of you is temporary..why keep trying to get a treat from you when those treats won't last forever. Why should I enjoy your company now when you'll be gone. I'm that lose puppy that can't seem to figure what to do anymore, sometimes I feel lost even of it's been a few hours, thinking of you never slips my mind but there will come a time when we will have gone out separate ways. I'll do my best to enjoy what's left, because that's the only thing I can do. Your presence is lovely but I can't stand the idea of it being gone before I have the chance.

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