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the waves are crashing, the winds whisper your name. huh, i've been on here for so long. i watch the days go by yet sleep doesn't meet me. it leaves the pain in between.

my eyes weaken, watching time walk by. the swelling it brushes under my eyes, reminding myself tomorrows going to come, overcome it.
but i'm weak. each night, i picture myself on the phone, on instagram again.

known in this world, scrolling through seeing individuals and their lives so perfect, (or dang good at acting). yet i feel like i'm the only one double-tapping on their picture. it makes no sense. i'm known, yet i feel so lone.

i've been swallowed into something unknown to my nature, yet i adapted so fast. and now i'm stuck here, without a clue to escape.

so i'm on instagram, instagram again.

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