Walking in Their Shoes

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"So you're, like, the Maxon Scheave!?" Maddie starts to ask all her questions.

"Yeah, I guess I am," he scratches the back of his head and looks a bit uncomfortable with how touchy touchy Maddie is.

"That's sooooo cool!" Maddie exclaims and attaches herself even closer to Maxon's side. I giggle a little bit from my place on the opposite side of Maddie.

"It is?"

"Ummm, Yeah. You are like royalty, but you are also like a regular person, it's awesome!"

"Okay Little Miss Fangirl, maybe you should question someone else. Maxon will answer your questions later. Like, way later," Celeste sneers from the other side of Maxon.

Now that I think of it Celeste is holding onto Maxon just like Maddie is. They could be twins, except that Maddie was more nice about saying things that were on her mind.

"Ohmigod! Americaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Maddie squeals and jumps up and down. "You think Julia, Brent, Jacob, and I could,  like, move to Illéa High?"

"Possibly," I say. I know for certain they couldn't get into the school, I just didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"No. People like America don't just come to Illéa High whenever they please. If you non-important people came to our school it would make the school-surprise- non-important. So what your dear friend, America, is trying to say is that you guys are losers and have dreams way bigger than you should. You know what? You guys should just, like, leave!" The last sentence Celeste mimics Maddie's higher pitch of voice and the way she says "like" all the time.

No one talks for a while and Celeste and Maddie have a stare down. "Okay, ladies can you please calm down? I mean we get you don't like each other, but can we move on with our lives?" Hunter asked and looked between the fighting girls.

Now instead of being mad at each other the two girls turned their attention on Hunter. "Did you just really tell us to calm down?"

We were all in the park. Aspen, Maxon, Hunter, Jacob, Brent, Celeste, Cedar, Marlee, Julia, Maddie, and I. We were planing on having a picnic. A nice calm picnic. The problem was that the word "calm" did not fit these people when they were all together.

At the start of the picnic it was fine. Everyone was laughing and getting to know each other. Then-surprise-Celeste said something rude and ignorant. Maddie and Julia clapped back at her and it started a huge argument.

"Do you even know who my parents are? Oh wait! You wouldn't cause you're too poor to even buy phones! Well let me tell you. Amy Kelli and Harris Newsome, yeah that's right the fashion model and the movie director," Celeste yells at Maddie.

"You think I give a flying cat's bum who your parents are? What are you, 17? Well you act like you are 5, are you going to go and tell on me to your big shot parents?"

"You wish you had my parents!"

"No, really I don't. If that's," Maddie waves her hands up and down at Celeste "the product of what your parents made then I would rather have a baboon and a chipmunk as parents."

"Well now I can see where you got your horrendous look," Celeste sneers and then laughs in Maddie's face.

"Well at least I express myself through my clothing! You just wear whatever is in style," Maddie tries.

"Yes darling, that's called fashion, you're fashion magazine is probably the Animal Planet. I probably wear clothing that is more money than you as a person, you're pathetic-."

Maxon cuts Celeste off. "Celeste! You have to stop. You are being so rude and if you keep being rude we will all kick you out of this picnic. This was time for us to meet and get to know some of America's friends from back home, and you are clearly ruining it!" Maxon sounded exhausted. He always needed to keep Celeste in check.

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