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"MISS TRIVIANNI, thank you so much for your time." Mrs. Emilia Wilks came over to hug the brunette.

Moët looked at the five foot two woman.

"Its all in a... three days work." She giggled.

She chuckled. "You were a natural! Who knew you were such a catch with these boys?"

Moët glanced at the boys who were changing out of their set clothing and shrugged.

"They're nice, I'll give ya that." She grinned.

"Mind if I say goodbye to them?"

The woman shook her head no, "Oh by all means, its okay!"

Moët smiled at her and walked over to the boys.

Jack was texting.

Probably some girl he's also lying to. Even so, she still felt a pang of jealousy in her heart.

She smiled at Zach who approached her.

"Zach, thanks for keeping my secret. I owe you." She whispered in his ear as they hugged.

She felt him rumble in laughter, "Well, repay me with dinner then."

She rolled her eyes at him and punched his shoulder playfully.

"Sure. When I'm not busy."

Jack saw this whole exchange. He didn't know why he felt jealousy course through his veins as he saw the two converse.

Maybe their interaction just reminded him of himself and the girl he's been talking to.

He shook his head and went back to his phone.

"Guys! Moët has something to say!" The attention of everyone was caught by the brunette girl and boy in front of them.

"Hi, I just wanted to say that you guys are the best motherfudging people I've ever modelled with. Thank you for being so kind." She smiled a smile that could melt Jack's heart.

Maybe she just reminded me of Champagne. He thought.

"It was great working with you too!" Daniel beamed.

Moët controlled herself from scowling at him and smiled.

"Yeah, you were like a breath of fresh air for us." Corbyn grinned at her.

She raised her eyebrows at this, "How so?"

"Well, you didn't know who we were at first and didn't cry when you saw us. I mean, we love the fans, but normality is needed too. So yeah. Right Jack?" Jonah looked at Jack who just grunted.

"Oh don't mind him. He's just in a bad mood because his girl isn't replying to him." Daniel chuckled.

Zach and Moët glanced at each other with knowing glances.

"Aw, why isn't she? I mean, if I may ask." She pushed.

Zach kept his laughter in.

"He stood her up, lied to her, and amongst all things, is a boring piece of shit when it comes to conversations." Corbyn joked, laughing.

Jack scowled at him and the others who were laughing, "Whatever, Bean."

"Well it does sound like she has a good reason to be doing so." The brunette shrugged.

"Yeah. Have you apologized, Jack?" Zach asked.

The curly haired boy nodded.

"Yep. Countless times. I already left around 46.. wait let me check," He paused and looked at his phone, "--yeah, 46 voicemails just today."

"Maybe you should try harder, mate." Jonah patted Jack's shoulder.

Jack put his head in his hands.

Moët clapped her hands together, "Well I best be going now.."

--before I blow my fucking cover and forgive him right now. She added in her mind.

Without another word, she ran out the set, forgetting that she had left something valuable on the set's dressing room.

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