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It was the middle of the night and you suddenly wanted to eat peanut butter, you got up and and walked down the stairs towards the kitchen and rapidly looked threw the cupboard to find the peanut butter.

You were looking for at the least 10 minutes until you heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Gorgeous what are you doing up?" Riker asked wrapping his arms around your waist and drawing lazy patterns on your stomach.

"I'm looking for the peanut butter and I can't find it." You replied taking a huff and getting up set.

"Gorgeous its on the top shelf right here." He said reaching to the top and getting it down for you. "Do you want me to make some toast for you to have it on?" He asked wanting to be helpful.

"No thanks can you just pass me a spoon please?" You asked.

"Are you sure you want to eat it it like?" He asked unsure of your food choice.

"Yes I'm sure it's fine." You replied getting a little annoyed.

"Ok, ok I'll just sit and keep you company." He suggested not wanting to be yelled at.


Ellington was in the kitchen cooking dinner and you were for some odd reason very excited for it.

"Dinners ready!" He yelled out.

"Coming!" You yelled back entering the kitchen and opening the cupboard.

"What are you looking for?" Ellington asked

"The jam to put on dinner." You replied to his question like it was the dumbest one ever asked.

"Are you sure you want to put that on your pizza?" He questioned putting it in front of you.

"It will be fine." You replied putting some jam on a slice and shoving it in your mouth. "Yummm." You said loudly.


"Hey babe is dinner almost ready?" You asked getting impatient.

"Yeah about 10 minutes." Rocky answered trying to keep you calm. You walked into the kitchen to smell an amazing smell of steak. "Hey princess sorry it's taking so long I know your hungry and little buba in there." He said laying his hands on your small stomach.

"It's ok we're just really really hungry." You replied.

"Well good thing dinner is ready, and I made extra if buba is still hungry and if you are." Rocky said giving you a kiss on the cheek and putting your dinner in front of you.

"Thank you." You replied putting a fork full of steak in your mouth.

"Anything for my princess.


"Hi, I will be your waitress for this evening, what would you like to order?" Your waitress said.

"Can I get a Philly Cheese Steak please with salad on the side." Ross ordered.

"Can I get the same but with extra cheese and a glass of milk." You said. The waitress smiled at you and then saw your small stomach.

"When I was pregnant I craved orange juice I can't stand it now." The waitress said with a giggle. "I'll be right back with your orders and congrats on your baby." She said before walking away.

"Why are you eating cheese? You hate it and now you can't get enough of it." Ross asked you.

"I don't know it's your baby that wants it not me." You replied getting a little emotional.

"Hey beautiful it's alright I was just joking ok I know it's just the baby." He replied quickly grabbing your hand to calm you down.

"I know it's ok it's also these pregnancy hormones." You giggled.


"Ry, Ry, Ry, Ry, Ry, Ryland." You whispered to Ryland in the middle of the night.

"What is it sweet heart?" He asked in his raspy morning voice.

"I need ice cream and we don't have any." You replied to him.

"Can you not wait until the morning when I'm actually up and properly awake?" He asked tiredly.

"No the baby really wants ice cream." You answered knowing he couldn't say know to the baby card.

"Alright I'll be back in 10 minutes." He said getting up and putting on some pants and gave you a kiss on the cheek while heading for the bedroom door.

"Thank you Ry, love you." You yelled out to him.


Sorry for a late update I've been really busy lately. Hope you are all enjoying the book some feed back on how it's going would be good. Keep reading and voting I really appreciate it thank you.

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