Ch. 2

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The weekend passed slowly this time around. Usually there was a lot more people coming in and sometimes she would have to share a holding cell with a person or two. For some reason she seemed to be the only one stuck in there for the weekend, so she didn't have anyone to bull shit with to pass time quicker. Oh well, she thought, just about five more minutes and Millen will should be around to spring me free. He legs kicked back and forth against the rusted old cot while she waited. Soon enough she heard the distant sound of a door buzzing open and the jangle of keys bouncing off of someone's hip. The heavy footsteps came to a halt in front of her door followed by the lock turning and being pushed open by Millen. He smiled warmly down at her then nodded his head to indicate that she had the all clear from the Sheriff to go home. As crazy as it sounded, part of her didn't want to leave just yet. Sure she didn't want to stay and actually get thrown in county but considering what she had seen on her way over here on Friday she didn't want to find out what was waiting for her when she got to her apartment. Officer Millen must have seen the worried expression on her face because he held his arms up for her, quickly she closed the space between them and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"It's okay to go home, the Sheriff looked into it to make sure that would be safe." He told her as he hugged her tighter. Even though Caroline and his daughter had broken up a long time ago he still continued to treat her like family, almost more like as if she were his own daughter.

Caroline tried her best to hold back the fresh tears that stung her eyes and whispered out a thank you before pulling away and heading down the hallway. Once she was out in the lobby she headed over to the front window to collect her things. She hoped that they hadn't dug too deep into her purse and found the secret opening that she had sewn into the bottom of her purse.

"One purse, phone charger, set of keys, pepper spray, wallet, cigarettes, and two necklaces." Officer Forbes rambles off each of her items then slides them underneath the window. She grabbed her purse first and shoved the rest of her stuff into the small bag before signing the slip that said that she had received everything she cane into the precinct with. "Caroline, next time make sure that you have a backup plan okay? Find another girl you trust and stay with her if you have to." She glanced up at the Officer and gave a small nod. She knew that the middle aged officer was just trying to be kind and give her some advice but right now it kind of annoyed her.

"Yeah, I'll talk to Hannah later tonight,"

"Good, I just want you to be as safe as possible," Forbes paused and glanced around her before continuing, "you know for Millen's sake."

All she could manage was a quick nod, by this point she really had just about had enough and just wanted to go home so she could shower properly. They both said their goodbyes then Caroline turned and made a dash for the front door. Thankfully she didn't run into anyone else on her way out towards the bus stop.  When she reached the end of the parking lot she saw that the bus was just now pulling up so she pushed her legs faster and signaled the driver that she was boarding. The driver smiled at her as he slowed to a stop and opened the doors for her. As she boarded he gave her a transfer ticket, even though she didn't need one she didn't argue with him and just took it anyway. After she had sat down she pulled out her phone to text Hannah. She hadn't heard from her after they both had left the bar with separate Johns and now she was starting to worry. Normally Hannah made it home well before four in the morning and would let Caroline know she was safe, but that morning she had been picked up she hadn't received a text from her. She waited nervously for Hannah's text tone to suddenly go off but it never did. She waited the whole bus ride until finally when she had got off the bus near her apartment did she finally hear Hannah's tone.

"Thank fucking christ." She muttered to herself as she dug her phone out of her purse. Quickly she unlocked her phone and opened her messages.

Hannah: sorry I didn't txt u :( I'm fine and at wrk now. Heard that 5-0 picked u up on Friday morning, good to kno they didn't send u away this time. Meet me and the girls for lunch later.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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