Chp I

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It was raining like usual where I live. I lived in a small and hidden town. My house was just a small shed and I only had my brother to keep me company.

Our parents had abandoned us a few years ago. We may be 16 yrs old but we still aren't capable of taking care of ourselves fully.

But my brother was always by my side. His name is Conner.

The sound of rain hit our thin metal ceiling. Small droplets fell through small holes and into tin buckets.

"(n/a) what the heck is this?" Conner said holding a letter slightly covered in water from the rain. "It's a letter for me?" I said grabbing the letter from his hands softly.

It was written very jagged and crazily almost like chicken scratch. It was almost impossible to make out any of the words.

"So what is it?" Conner said in the corner of the shed lying on our only bed. "It's impossible to read." I said handing him the letter.

"Hm let's see." He said looking at the front of it. "Sakamaki Brothers invites you..." Conner said reading it slowly.

"The Sakamaki Brothers? Who is that?" I said sitting next to Conner. "Don't know." He said opening the letter. "Here let me read the inside." I said taking it and reading it.

"Dear (n/a). We would like to inform you, you have been invited to a dinner party hosted by the Sakamaki Brothers. The Sakamaki Brothers has recently been in ties with your late mother. She stated we invited you for a dinner party so we hope you could come and we will supply you with the best hospitality. Your mother will be so happy to see you. Sincerely, Reiji."

"Mom invited me to a dinner party." I said dropping the letter in awe. It had been years since I've heard from her. Even though she had abandoned us she was still my mother and I missed her so much.

"Why the fuck would you want to see mom she left us. She didn't even invite me." Conner said throwing a piece of rolled up tinfoil up in the air. "Well Conner, It has been forever since I've seen mom. I am mad at her but finally she wants to take us back." I said happily.

"She only wants you back and not me." Conner said with an irritated expression. "I wanna see mom okay." I said. "Well go, I don't give a shit. You don't even have nice clothes to wear." Conner turned away from me aggressively.

"I will go then. And I won't bring back food for you." I said angrily. "I don't give a fuck." He said pointing a middle finger at me. "Whatever." I said walking out the small shed we lived in.

It was still raining pretty intensely. I had no umbrella so I had to walk in the rain. There was a mansion that was in the woods and there was rumors of vampires living there but I think not.

The letter said to go to the mansion in the woods. It was shady but whatever. Once I had arrived my whole body was drenched in water. The only clothes on me was a sweatshirt and ripped jeans.

I knocked one the door loudly since the rain outside was so loud. Once I knocked the door immediately opened. "Thank you." I said entering the mansion. No one replied so I looked back and no one was there when the door was opened.

Freaky but I ignored it. I then turned around and suddenly I bumped into someone. "Hello (n/a), I'm glad to know you received our letter." A voice said. I looked up and saw a tall boy with purple hair and glasses glaring down at me.

"Uh sorry and hello." I said blushing and standing back. "No worries, Welcome to the Sakamaki Manor." The boy said smiling softly. "I am Reiji, your host for tonight." He then extended a hand.

I extend my hand and lied my hand on his his. He then softly kissed it. "Uh Thanks." I said awkwardly. My hand was soaked in water so I don't get why Reiji would want to kiss my hand.

"Your soaked." He said with a smile. "Yeah." I said awkwardly. "Since we were expecting you would stay the night, there is a fresh pair of clothes in the guest room for you. Also if you would like I could prepare a bath for you." Reiji smirked.

He lifted both his hands and softly clapped. Another boy hidden in the dark corners of the lobby of this manor came out and walked toward me.

He had long brown and reddish hair and wore a fedora. He smirked at me as he walked toward me. "Hello my lady." He smiled. "Hello nice to meet you." I said trying to act natural. "I'm Laito one of the Sakamaki Brothers." He smiled and bowed.

"Oh well hello." I said again. "Would you like for me to prepare you a bath?" He said. I mean I didn't wanna smell like rain so yeah I guess and also I hadn't taken a shower in forever.

I mean there was a neighbor nearby that had a shower and she would let me use it but sometimes I would forget to take a shower..

"Uh sure." I said shyly. He nodded. "Follow me." He said demandingly. Okay... I then walked behind him as he lead me to the nearest bathroom.

He skipped the bathroom and opened a bedroom door. "In here you could get undressed while I prepare your bath." Laito smiled and then closed the door and left. I was now alone in a huge and colorful room.

Whoever decorated this room must have an issue or something cuz it's so vivid my eyes are gonna explode. I then began to undress. I left my clothes on the bed and found a robe conveniently in the closet. I put it on.

"Your bath has been prepared." Laito said slightly opening the door to respect my privacy. "Thanks." I said standing up and holding my robe so that I don't expose myself.

I walked out and walked to the bathroom next door. The bath was huge I could basically swim in this. "Please be careful." Laito said as I walked in. I nodded and shut the door behind me.

I lied my robe down and jumped into the bath. It was so warm.. I wanted to fall asleep. I closed my eyes and wished if I could stay here forever... then Conner came to mind.

It didn't make since why mom didn't invite him. Did mom have favorites? I don't know much about her but I hope I'm able to meet her soon.

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