She's almost lost and vulnerable without it.

Regardless, things had to change within herself. She wasn't mature enough to harness that ability and she ended up missing out on enjoying life.

She began to feel sorry for her past self.


"I have no idea why you all chose to do this at 8pm in the middle of winter. It's unpractical to have a meeting in the dark," Kuroko stated with Rindou walking next to him down the cold, dark sidewalk.

"Hey senpai, cherry blossoms are sprouting over there," She half-heartedly pointed out.

"Why are you being wholesome? What's the matter?"

"Oh wow," She exclaimed, "well can't you understand that I've been really nervous about this? I didn't know how to prepare, and I kept imagining different scenarios and the worst possible outcome-- I can't help it..."

"Rindou-san, I'm here for you in case anything goes wrong. But please go through with this, you know it has to be done."


"Also, you look great today."

"That's new, I've never gotten a compliment for my looks before," she chucked dryly.

"Surely, you've seen the difference yourself."

"I feel a bit strange about it."

"I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. Hopefully you'll stop feeling like you don't deserve it"

"Thank you... Tetsuya-senpai," she calmly sighed. "I-- uh... starting cleaning my room."

"That is a relief...!" He huffed, "I couldn't breath with the clutter reaching the ceiling. I've never seen anything like it."

"Well it's completely clear now! I have some plans for it to... look like an... appropriate bedroom."

Kuroko stayed silent for a moment as he stared at the pavement, "I can't believe something like that went passed our noses... I was your senior, I should've caught on."

"You are the first person I shared all of this with. I was pretty thorough in not letting my personal issues seep through onto anyone," she explained.

"At the time, I thought I was this complicated child with a twisted perspective as compared to everyone else. My limited experiences told me that no one will ever understand me in this world..." She trailed off, staring at the ground in disbelief.

"...But it wasn't right," Kuroko completed her thought.

"Yeah, it wasn't," her lips carved slightly. "Maybe it is someone's fault that they can't understand me. But it could also be my fault for not being articulate enough... or not being empathetic enough to give people a chance. In reality, there was nothing complicated about being a distant and ignorant person, who simply hated herself so much..."

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