I Learn How to Fall

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I couldn't seem to find words for what was going on in my brain. Antonious was here and an actual thing, or I was going crazy. but why'd he call me Paul if he knew I was karsen? and why’d he wink?

“now you're probably wondering why I'm back,” he said stretching his arms, I would never not be frightened of those teeth. i just nodded, my throat dry.  and unable to talk, all i could do was sit there as he stretched his wings, a few feathers falling on the floor of my room. They turned grey and shriveled before they hit the floor. Antonious looked at the dusted feathers, he cursed under his breath. Looking back at me, his eyes were now an ice blue, staring into my soul with such intensity i might have fainted if he didn't punch me in the head.

welp. looks like I'm falling. or dying. same thing. it was bright,clearly some time has passed, I looked down, everything looked so small. I must have been at LEAST 20 feet in the air. I began to panic. while waking up I began to realize that I'm terrified of heights ever since I fell off that ladder to help my dad. and now im 2 ladders up.

I looked around and noticed heat on my back rather than the cold air whipping my face, there was a harness around me, or something like that, I tried not to move a muscle but fear got the best of me. I looked up.

“ANTONIOUS!” I yelped, I squirmed and may have kicked him where you're not supposed to kick bird people, because Antonious flinched so hard he let go of me “SON OF A BITCH!” he squawked, I didn't know mythical creatures could swear.

i didn't have time to think about how Antonious's eyes had started to glow pink when he dropped me, I was too busy screaming. The only sound that filled my ears was the sound of the wind whistling by as I sore through the air in a nosedive to a tree below “ANTONIOUS!! HELP!” I called, it was probably drowned out by the air.

before I knew it I felt something hit my mouth, probably a rock. this is it. I'm dead. that's the end of the story, I thought. i opened my eyes and saw Antonious's shirt right next to me, this was too close for comfort. We were now drifting down, I didn't know whether I wanted to kiss or kill this psychopath with wings.

my feet were placed on the ground, Antonious immediately started to circle me like the bird of prey he is, he was probably going to kill me right here. I was surprised when he pulled me in for a close hug and buried his nose in my hair, I swear to God I need a shower after this. “Paul. don't you ever do thatvagain.” he said sternly, I was shocked and didn't answer, let alone respond when he rubbed his head against mine, what is this idiot doing?

Antonious didn't let me go for a good five minutes, and when he did he kept a wing over my shoulder at all times, he also kept calling me Paul. I wish he'd stop. also I don't trust him, no matter how much of a big baby he is. we started walking, a small walk turned into an hour.

at the end of our walk we found a pond, I figured Antonious knew this place well since we made no wrong turns and kept a steady pace.

the pond was large and was surrounded by shrubs, birds sang in the trees, Antonious started to tweet here and there too. Antonious went to the edge of the pond and gestured me to come over. I did so.

“what is this place?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the water, knowing something was going to kill me from the depths of that water-pit. Antonious snorted, hes a bird HOW does he snort, then he looked at me, his expression changed “uh, you don't remember?” he said, the pinkish glow in his eyes still there, but faint. why did his eyes change color. ALSO WHY DID HE KIDNAP ME?!

I shook my head to answer his question “I only know your name from my father..” I mumbled, his eyes turned full white, damn this guy and his colors, must've been a rainbow. Antonious laid on his back with his hands over his head, I only now noticed how his jacket was sliding off his shoulder, I don't know why I noticed it but I did. along with his tight, black jeans, they don't go with his bright red shoes, neither do his eyes and hair but its whatever.

Antonious's eyes were a deep brown, a mix of several hundreds of colors. this guy was so confused, and so was I, maybe I could slip away while he had a mental breakdown. so I tried. I got up slowly and started to walk away, then I tripped on a rock or twig, or so I thought. it was his wing. “you're not going anywhere Paul,” he looked at me, green eyes.

I sighed and brushed the dirt off “how is this place your home? also, I'm not paul!! that's my dad!” I shouted moving away from him, I felt anger rising inside me towards Antonious, he had taken me and left my poor mother with my two siblings, just like dad did. I started to resent the bird brain for driving me to insanity, there's no way he's real. I hate him! he shouldn't be here!

“it just is my home, paul.” he tilted his head as his wings folded behind him, I snapped. “I'M NOT PAUL! MY NAMES KARSEN! TAKE ME HOME YOU STUPID PIGEON!”

I felt tears forming in my eyes as my knees buckled, no..not here..not now. I began to just let the tears fall Into the dirt below. my mom probably doesnt even notice I'm gone.

Antonious just came close and put his wing around me. "you'll be happier with us, and If you're not, I promise I'll take you home, truce?" he looked at me, his irises pink again.

"t-truce.." I mumbled as I leaned into his chest

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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