Chapter 2

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⬆Noah Gold⬆
⬆ 25 years old⬆

Walking to work was a bad call. I should have awoken Noah to give me a drive but I didn't have the heart to, he was sound asleep. As the chilly morning air gave me goosebumps, I continued my way thinking of alot of things.

Today was a long day of work and already I was so tired and I have no idea if I'll be able to reach the end of the day still standing.

After a series of thoughts running through my head I came up with a decision, I'm not going to my work today.

I texted Noah telling him that I'm off to the library and to pass by and tell them I was sick when he wakes up.

I have a degree in Business Administration. I love this field and my work right now is not that bad, it's just something I'm passionate about since I was 10. I've always dreamed of having my own buisness and being a buisness woman is one of my wildest dreams. I have worked very hard to get my ass here and I'm detirment that I'll keep working as hard to be in higher places.

Memories of the last few years were swiming in my mind as I remembered the night I moved to Noah's apartment, it was weird to live with a guy, but Noah is like the brother I never had, and after the first night of sleeping in the apartment, I got used to it because it always had this comforting vibe and while living in it I started to consider it home.

I smiled at the far memory. Those days are so precious. The days when I started figuring out who I am and what I want to do in my life. And with my friends help everything always has been easy to go throgh.

As I reached the library and looked at it's huge entrance, I  remembered the creamy color door of the apartment, with the first letters of my, Noah's and Tessa's names craved on it. I remember doing this at christmas two years ago, we were having a sleep over and Tessa wanted to spend the night with us and not with her parents so we sure as hell made it an unforgetable night.

I swiftly entered, and headed to the table at the far end and sat down then took my headphones from my bag and put them on with soft music. I sighed. It was always calming for me to just come here and simply sit, clearing my head, my thoughts, and letting go of the actual world for a little time.

After about two hours of just sitting, hearing music, going through some of my assignments, I was finally dead tired. I gathered my stuff and took off back to the apartment.

Changing out of my clothes, I always loved the feeling of wearing my pjs knowing I'll sit comfortably. And I even loved the feeling of my pillows more. And those were my last thoughts before I drifted off to sleep.


"Anna" "Anna" "Annaaaaa" I heard something scream, or rather someone scream. My first reaction was to literally jump out of bed, my eyes wide awake and my heart is beating a freaking million beat in every second.

Then my eyes narrowed on the person that caused this. Tessa. With Noah laughing silently by her side. If looks can kill, she would be six feet under right now.

"Hahaha I LOVE waking you up like this" Tessa said as she laughed out, her laughter suddenly died down when she didn't notice the pillow I threw at her until it hit her in the face.

"Shut the hell up, I hate you guys I wanna sleep" I grumbled as I got back to the warmth of my bed. But that of course didn't last.

"Nope not gonna happen. We're going out" Noah said his voice coming from the door as he was heading to his room, I think.

"Come on get up we should be ready so we won't be late" Tessa said exitedly her face flushed and her eyes twinkling as she clapped her hands.
"Late for what?" I asked confused. I should really start to know what's happening around me.

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