Balance (Ancient China)

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It wasn't long before Alain was due to collapse as well. The deadly black vines got closer to him alarming him even more.

"A-ASHURA! Listen, I don't know why or how you're doing this, but please, stop!", Alain screamed, but it was too late. The black vines reached him and he collapsed as they towered over his body. 

The vines spread all across the wreck of buildings, and even got out, proceeding to take away the consciousness of every living being in Seoul, and drain any visible life that was there. The tall skyscrapers, small homes, and even the green mountains were now all covered in veins of sorrow.

However, the people and Pokemon weren't losing health or life, except Arceus. In fact, they were all entranced in a vision that told them the truth.

-Vision from Alain's POV-

I stood in a field that was in front of a castle that looked really ancient. A man, with hair like how Ashura's used to be as part of her disguise, ran across the field with his Lucario and started to use orbs of blue aura energy on different parts of the field, making plants grow. I didn't really know what was going on, but I assumed he was casting spells.

Suddenly, all the beautiful plants he'd created withered into black dust, and he was obviously upset about it. He screamed "Who dares to end the creations of the Aura Prince?", into the open. Then, the legendary Pokemon Hoopa just started to hover over to him, and they started arguing. I don't know much about what happened after that, the sounds and the looks of it were getting blurry for some reason.

When I couldn't really see anything, all I heard was the faint sound of wedding bells, then the crying of babies, then the charges of war. I was so confused.

'Is this...telling me the story of the Aura Dynasty? Wait, so the descendants of the Royal Aura family have dark and psychic blood in them?', I thought. 

I then started to hear a few unfamiliar voices saying things I partly understood.

"Each descendant has the same amount of dark blood"

"Causes them to have dark powers"

"Makes them dangerous"

It stopped making sense as the voices started to overlap each other. I started to panic and get frustrated, when it all came to a close with a vision that was a hall with lots of important looking people in it.

"From now on", the man at the front declared, "The Aura Dynasty will split up into four countries that stay within the continent of Asia, seeing as we have failed to comprehend with one another for centuries. One country will be named Thailand, one will be China, another one Japan, and the last one will be Korea. You will be assigned to live in that country and it will be your nationality and origin, based on who you serve as of now. Worry not, my citizens. For, in the future, there will be a descendant who will unite our empire of dark and light once again"

Right after he was done, there were screams of protest and joy at the same time. Everything swirled into black and white, and I started hearing weird sounds again.

-Third Person POV-

Hoopa appeared in the collapsed state of buildings and flew to her granddaughter of many greats.

"My Princess, fear not, for I sense the presence of humans within you carry hearts of a kind aura", she soothed before fading away. 

Ashura gasped and the world was silent for about five seconds, before the vines started to pull in. Soon, life was restored to the living and the color of Seoul returned. As soon as Alain came to, he ran over to Ashura, who had tears flowing down her cheeks as she stayed still.

"Ashura, I saw everything. I-"

"I know", Ashura interrupted, "I know. I'm the descendant who will unite the empire of dark and light. And I will"

She held Alain's arms as he dried her tears. The others quickly got to them and started to show their worry. As for Arceus, it slowly decayed into dust with its eyes crying tears of blood.

"", it whispered weakly as it withered away.

A glowing scroll of paper appeared in front of Ashura with a dark purple aura around it. As soon as she grasped it, it stopped glowing and allowed her to open and read it.

It read:


"This is written in  Traditional Chinese", Ashura examined, "Hēi'àn jiāng yǔ guāng pínghéng, yīnwèi tā yěshì rúcǐ. Quánlì de guīmó jiāng bǎochí píngwěn. That means, 'Darkness will balance against light as it does the same. The scale of power will be kept straight'. It's the spell used to control forces of darkness, and it's one of the ancient spells. I guess it was sealed away because it was dangerous, but I'll keep it safe"

This chapter was a little bit short, but I hope you like it! Feel free to leave suggestions/constructive criticism in the comments below.

I just want to say thank you to all of the people who have followed and supported me and this story up until this point. I really never thought I'd even get past 100 reads but now I have more than 3200. For me, that's a miracle. Thank you all.

I have just finished another story called 'Ashley', and I have written other stories as well, so if you want, you can go check those out!

Also, I need to write the country each spell comes from in the title of the chapter just to keep track and also to make the story make more sense and easier to understand.


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