Red Interogation

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It was hours later. We had the captured thug tied up to a lab chair. He was still unconscious.

"He's still not awake Allison. What should we do?" I asked.

"Use your telepathy," she suggested.

" what?"

"Telepathy. All vampires have that ability. You can read minds over a 100 meter radius, and not only can you read minds, you can control them."

"No way."

"Yeah. Go ahead and try it. I'm pretty sure you'll be impressed."

I closed my eyes and tried my hardest to reach the mind of the unconscious vampire thug. I strained and strained till I broke sweat. Then, I opened my eyes, which were glowing red. With one word, I could awaken the thug.


The thug risen his head slowly and opened his eyes, they glowed of bright gold. I backed up a step out of curiosity.

"Don't worry. The bright gold color signifies that he's under your control. Ask him anything and he'll give you an honest response," said Allison.

"Cool. Okay pal, I want you to tell me everything we need to know about  the illegal shipment you and your associates were about to make. What was in the crates?" I asked giving him a cold hard stare.

"The...the crates, were contained with...with venom," said the thug, struggling to utter every word.

"Venom? What kind?"

"The king's venom. Our lord is sick, and beyond weak. He has been...distributing his tainted blood to this...filthy mortal world."

"Why? What's his main purpose for the distributed venom?" asked Allison.

"He wants all his royal servants to transfer the venom to all your medical that all mortals can convert into ghouls."

"Ghouls? What the hell is that?" I asked.

"Ghouls are basically servants of the host vampire who implants their blood into its victims," Allison explained.

"So basically, your king wants to use humans as his puppets. For what cause?"

"'s self explanatory. To take over the human world, rid of you, Leo Smith."

"Me? Why me?"

What the hell was this asshole talking about? The Vampire King wants to get rid of me for whatever reason. I mean, come on. I've only been a blood sucking monster for less than 24 hours. What the hell separates me so well from the other nocturnal shitheads?

"You are not who you think you are, Leo. You are--" the thug was interrupted by a gag.

He threw up blood and cried tears of red. The thug screamed in pain and agony.

"Hey, Allison! What the hell is goin' on here?!" I asked backing up.

"Like I know what the fuck is happening!" Allison said with such sarcasm.

The thug's nose started bleeding. Next thing that happened, he was engulfed in flames. I shielded Allison and looked back. The thug suddenly gave me an evil smirk. My eyes glowed red.

"You will not survive," said the thug in a totally different voice.

I looked at him sideways, then he well as the flames. I let go of Allison and walked over to the scorched chair and starred at it.

"What...what the hell was that about?" I asked Allison.

She stood in silence, then looked at her hand. It was burned and bleeding.

"Allison!" I yelled, and rushed over to aid her.

But, next thing I knew, my eyes glew red in hunger. The blood from Allison's hand looked...tasty.

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