~Chapter Twenty~ Skye~

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"Greer, Lass," a heavy male voice entered my ears as a warm hand shook mine shoulder.
I opened my eyes and saw it was Jamie who stand before me. It was already dark and Jamie was lit from the bonfire behind me.
"Ye hae tae eat," he holded out a stick where a roasted bunny was spiced on.
"No thank you," I felt my stomach turn by the side of it. "I skip this one."
"Bit ye hae tae eat Lass," he tried to push the bunny again in my hands.
"Not this," I kindly shove it back. "If you have bread than I'll have that," I said.
"We dinna hae that," Jamie said as he sat down in front of me, offering me again the stick.
"No Jamie," I looked angry at him.
"Greer dinnae be stubborn 'n' juist eat it,"  he said and he looked back at me with the same fiery look that was also in my eyes.
"Why?" I fired back. "I'm still deciding on my own what I eat or not eat."
"Fur ah say sae, hell wifie ye look skin ower bone," he pointed at my arms.
He was right, I lost weight since I was here since I kept decline food when I was at Leoch, but still I refused to eat a animal that I kept as a pet when I was little.
"So, I'm not eating a bunny," I folded my arms. "It's way to cruel."
"Tis th' identical tae a an sheep, pig or cow," he looked confused at me. "Came oan Greer, fur me," he begged.
"Oi Jamie, let her, if she starves herself tae deid, we hae one less mouth tae feed," Dougal called out and I looked over to him.
"Weel then, ah tried," Jamie stood up, "Tomorrow we sleep in a tavern, then please eat Greer," he begged.
"If they don't have bunny, I consider it," I smiled fakely and I saw him return to the group who started to joke in Gaelic.
My stomach groweld and protested from the lack of food but I ignored it.
A voice suddenly called me and I saw the group looked at me.
"What?" I snapped angry as they kept staring at me.
"Yer bleeding," Young Willie pointed at my dress and I looked down.
I had pulled up my dress up my knee's when I sat down and I noticed a smal red stream on my left leg.
I could slap myself that I totally forgot mine menstruation. The last time I had it was before I traveled here and well since it was four weeks ago, it returned today.
"It's nothing," I quickly pulled my dress down to pull the bloodstream away from their view.
Knowing that in this time they believed that women where possed by the Devil during their monthly bleeding time.
"Are ye hurt?" Willie asked worried and some men laughed at him.
"No Willie I'm not hurt." I said patiently. "This means that I'm not pregnant. This happens once a month."
"Yer aye a virgin then?" Dougal asked without batting an eye towards me and my mouth fell open.
"Excuse me?" I asked my voice filled with poison, "What has my innocence anything to do with my period?"
"Ainlie virgin wummin hae that," he simply answered back and I stood up.
"Well men are really the most stupid creatures on this planet," I snapped back. "And as for my virginity, that is not any of your goddamn business,"
He stood up and forcefully grabbed my arm. "Yer better hauld yer wheest Lassie," he treated. Or ye hae na innocence anymair," even the men didn't dare to make a sound but I refuse to stand down.
"You clearly forgot the last two times you tried that," I broke myself lose, "If you want to keep your foot, then you stay away from me, because this time I will break him." With one look on the others I turned around and sat down behind the other side of the rock.
"She certainly is a feisty yin, imagine if ye share a kip wi' her," Angus whistled.
"We a' 'greed that we wouldn't titch her th' wrong wey, keep that promise," I heared Jamie say and then the conversation quickly turned towards Gaelic.
I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the warm feeling that dripped down my legs, tomorrow I will figured something out to stop the bleeding but for now, I had to do with it.
With a painfull uterus and an empty stomach I quickly fall asleep.

"Ye better stoap pissing o' Dougal lassie, that is saver fur ye," Jamie said as I washed myself in the small stream.
I was aloud to wash myself but only under the watchfull eyes of one of the men. I agreed with only if that man was Jamie, the only one trusted.
"It's saver for his balls, if he stops provoking me," I wassed the dried up blood from my legs, holding my shift up not comfortably to keep myself covered.
"Dougal is a jimmy wha, always gets whit he wants, if nae he wouldn't stoap 'til he haes it," he saw me struggle to keep my shift dry. "Och fur th' loue sakes, juist remove th' shift lassie, ah wouldn't keek,"
"No," I tied a knot in it above my knees and then started to wash away the blood between my legs. "Jamie, do you have any type of cloth with you that I can use?"
"Why?" He asked as he looked confused at me.
"To collect the blood in, it's not very fresh if I let it flow," he suddenly looked embarrassed but took the hem of his shirt and ripped a piece of it and handed to me. "Thank you," I smiled kindly and walked over towards my bag and fished my underwear out of it.
"Will you turn around now?" I asked and Jamie immediately turned aroud.
I wrapped the fabric around the middlepiece of my underwear and pulled it up.
I quickly dressed myself and walked over towards Jamie, who still stood with his back towards me.
"I'm ready," I smiled.
"Came then?" He took my hand and pulled me back towards the group.

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