~Chapter twelve~ Skye~

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A week had past since Colum told me I was not aloud to leave. So in protest I didn't leave mine chamber nor did I talk to anyone.
I took the food and drinks they gave me but only to eat a few bits and then gave it back to the servants.
Aisla tried to contact me but she gave up after a few days, she even brought Jamie to help her reach me but I kept the door shut and did not speak to her or him.
I looked outside and saw that it was a sunny day and people where talking and laughing outside on the castle square. I dreamed away and thought of how I could be back already in mine time, writing reports over this time period since I was in it. But I was stuck here and with no hell change to escape.
I looked outside again and saw a horse eating in one of the cribs and that gave me an idea to escape. I only needed Jamie for that.
I stood up, dusted my clothing of and walked with my head high towards the door to open it.
Angus and Rupert who apparently got the orders to watch me the entire time, jumped up.
"Ah well look who's finally walking out of her dusty prison," Rupert joked but I gave him a dead glare and quickly walked past them to go to the kitchen. In hope I could shake them of there to make my way to the stables to find Jamie.
Only I didn't need to go to the stables as I almost stumbled upon him.
He was dragged into the corner by Aisla little sister who wasted no time in pressing her lips on his.

He was dragged into the corner by Aisla little sister who wasted no time in pressing her lips on his

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Jamie puts his arms around her and kissed her back until he saw me in the corner of his eyes.
He pulled away a little and started at me while Laoghaire didn't noticed anything and tried to keep her lips locked on his.
Jamie just simply smiled and averted his gaze back to her to seal his lips on her again and even let out a small moan

Jamie just simply smiled and averted his gaze back to her to seal his lips on her again and even let out a small moan

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I rushed outside into the gardens leaving the protest of Rupert and Angus behind me.
I found a small deserted spot where no one was able to see me directly, sat down and let my tears stream freely.
Seeing Jamie like this with Laoghaire made me jealous, not because I wanted Jamie, but they had each other.
I had simply no one, here and in mine own time. Since I decided to dump the man I was with for so long.
"Misstress von Holland?" I heared a voice call and I quickly wiped away my tears as I saw Jamie coming into my view.
"What?" I snapped more harshly then I meant it.
"Sorry calm doon Lass" Jamie raised his hands up. "Ah only cam tae see if yer feeling a'rich. Ye left in such a hurry 'n' ah haven't see ye a' week,"
"Do I look alright to you?" I snapped again and stood up. "Your uncle trapped me in this fucking castle while he promised me that I could go. I lost my parents and of top of that I ended here in a strange place where nobody seems to trust me. But no I feel bloody fantastic, thank you for your kind question," I turned around on the ball of my feets and wanted to walk away but Jamie grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.
"Ah didnae mean upset ye," he said and I know he was not talking about the question.
"You can kiss as many girls that you want Jamie MacTavish, I don't give a horseshit about that, so don't flatter yourself with that," I wanted to pull myself lose but Jamie holded his hand tightly around my wrist almost bruising it.
"Ah dinnae flatter masell wi' yer jealousy," he said calmly.
"I'm not jealous!" I shot back. "And let me go!"
He did it and looked at me. "I ken tis tae much fur ye, bit ye need to talk."
"Not with you," I folded my arms over my chest. "I'm fine,"
"Then come tae dinner wi' me, If you waant th' fowk tae trust ye 'ere, ye shuid show yersel' more," he said.
"Well I don't want that and I certainly doesn't want to go with you," I turned on my heels and walked away.
"Aye lassie! listen tae me, ah mean it right, a'm waantin' tae help ye!" he called after me what cause me to stop and turn around again.
"Well If you want to help me, than bring me back to Inverness," I hissed.
"Ah cannae 'n' ye ken that," he looked saddened.
"Well don't trouble me anymore then?' with that I gathered the skirts of my dress and ran away from him.
I didn't know the directions I was going in but I didn't mind, I wanted to be as far away from here as I could.

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