~Chapter nineteen~ Skye

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Mine prayers seems to be heard as the next day I made my way towards the Hall once more, Jamie stopped me.
"We ur goin awa th'day tae pick th' rent, yer comin' wi' us," he said and I looked at him suprised.
"Are you kidding?" I asked almost excitingly.
"No, yer coming' wi' us," he repeated again.
"Oh Jamie," before I knew it I embraced him tightly.
"Wow Lass," he pushed me away. "Git yer stuff 'n' breakfast, we ur goin awa in 2 hours."
I quickly turnend on my heels and rushed back inside to mine chamber.
I looked around, I didn't have a lot of stuff to take with me, but I packed a few dresses, my old underwear -which where freshly cleanend- and a few objects.
Since they hold me hostage here I could easily take some stuff from them.

Two hours later I stood excitedly besides Cluaran as I was ready to leave this please.
Together with Jamie and me, Dougal, Rupert, Angus, Murtagh, Willy and a few other men came with us.
"GREER!!!" a voice called before I want to ascend Cluaran. I turned around and saw that Aisla rushed towards me. "Dae ye really think, ye cuid lea wi'oot saying goodbye,"
"Ofcourse not, but you should spend time with Lachlan now?" I gave her a hug and she smiled.
"Weel ah hae enough time fur that efter, ah dinnae git ony chaynge efter th'day tae say cheerio the nou tae ye," I looked confused at her and Jamie shot a warning look at her.
I kinda knew I was aloud to leave when we reached Inverness, but I wasn't completely sure until now.
"Well," I tried my best to have a Scottish accent even tho I would probably fail. "Cheerio the nou tae ye 'nd Lachlan,"
She started to laugh warmly and pressed a kiss on my cheek. "Tak' guid care o' yersel' Greer, the world insae whit ye think it's,"
Kinda late to say to a woman who just traveled 300 years back in time but hey, she meant it well.
"I will, have a wonderfull life with Lachlan," I grasped her hand. In the four weeks I have spend here, she was a really good friend and I would dearly miss her when I was back in my own time.
"Awright, gey sweet this bit, we hae tae shift!" Dougal called and after one hug I ascend Cluaran and give her the sign to move.
"Tak' guid care," Ailsa calles after me again as we rode away from the castle, back to my own time.

The men where cheerfully and the sung along the way, leaving me out of the conversation by talking in Gaelic and when they talk in Scottish the made very sexist comments probaly on purpose for me to hear it.
Eventually an old man decide to rode next to me as we where halfway our first stop.
"I'm Ned Gowan," he introduced himself. "I'm the legal sollictor of Clan Mackenzie and I think I didn't have the pleasure to know you," even tho we where on a horse he holded out his hand which I shook.
"Greer von Holland," I smiles back. "Your not from the Highlands?"
"No, no, mistress," he smiled. "My lowland accent gave me away didn't it, I'm from Edinburgh, I was a lawyer there,"
"What are you doing here then?" I asked suprised.
"I missed the adventure, I was done staring at a white lace of the curtains and traveled far up to the highlands." He looked forward. "Where I was attacked by the men of the laird Mackenzie, he was quite suprised when I offered mine service, after what they did to me, but this was the adventure that I looked for,"
"Colum most have seen potential in you then," he started to laugh.
"Oh no dear, his father Jacob, I'm older then I look," because of his laughter he started to cough like his lungs where coming out of his body.
"Are you okay," I looked towards the men before us who didn't notice a thing and kept riding.
"Oh yes, I have this almost all my life, I'm getting used to it, also the fresh air of the Highlands make me feel better than Edinburgh," he said with a weak smile.
"Well they air is much cleaner here," I agreed think back of mine own time where smug clouds where floating above big city's like London and Beijing.
"Well that certainly is," he looked at me.
I saw Dougal in front turn around and yelled something in Gaelic.
"Oh we are stopping here for the night," Ned helpfully translated as the other men stired there horse to an open place.
"Here? Out in the open?" I asked kind of scaring to sleep here.
"Yes, but we are protected here dear," Ned promised me as we also guided our horses to the place.
Carefully descending Cluaran, I gave the reins to Willy and then sat down a few steps away from the men who already where starting a camp.
Exhausted from the trip I leaned against the rock behind me and closed my eyes, falling quickly asleep.

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