Chapter 1. The Plot Thickens

Start from the beginning

Very well. Sora sighs.

The next day, Indrim and Ronin awaken in each other's arms. 

Good morning, my King. Indrim says with a gentle giggle.

Good morning, my beautiful Queen. Ronin smiles and slowly sits up. I suppose we have business to deal with today. He says with a sigh.

Actually, I was thinking you need a..... vacation.... Kate tells me it is a nice way to relax. Indrim says.

A vacation? You must be joking. Ronin says, with a chuckle.

Not at all, you take too much responsibility on yourself, you have earned time to relax. Indrim glares. Victor and the others can handle things.

And what are you going to do? Ronin asks.

I will join you soon. Indrim opens a gate and pushes Ronin through it, giving him a little kiss as he goes.

Ronin falls into the sea near Hellgan. Once he swims back to the surface, he makes his way to shore.

I have never been pushed into taking a vacation before... Guess I'll make the most of it. He thinks out loud. 

Ronin opens a gate to a beach in Hawaii and pokes his head through, grabbing a blanket, umbrella, and a few drinks. As he does, someone takes a picture of their family, in the background. Pulling all these things through the gate, he removes his shirt and makes himself comfortable. In the distance, a crash can be heard as Hellgan's remains are leveled to the ground.

Sounds like Bruno is helping with the rebuild. Ronin thinks out loud. Perhaps we should rename Hellgan to Haven. Yes. That sounds appropriate. 

Indrim walks through a gate wearing a very well fitted one-piece swimsuit, which Kate had picked out for her. It is white with an open back. How do I look?

WOW! Ronin stares.

It would not have been appropriate if anyone but you saw me in this. Indrim blushes.

Oh? Then I will covet the memory with all greed. Ronin says, smirking. 

Indrim walks shyly over and gently lays, on her back, next to Ronin. The sun feels nice.

It is nice to be resistant to burning now. Once upon a time, I would have turned a hot pink and be baked in a sun like this. Ronin says, laying back.

Benefits of being a dragon. I'm sure Vamor might burn pretty bad. 

She is awfully pale, a suntan might look good on her. Ronin thinks out loud.

You are going to be kind to her, aren't you, my love? Indrim turns curiously.

It is an odd concept, being loved by more than one woman, and they actually get alone.  Ronin replies. Are you sure about sharing me?

Indrim turns back over and stares at the sky. I... Yes. I do not hate Vamor for anything. Sh...she told me about how you tested her, how she slapped you. She said it was like hitting a stone wall.... Honestly, I found it a relief, but what if she had said yes? What would you have done?

I would have rebuked her and reminded her that we are all servants bound to our positions. 

Indrim sits up and pulls her knees to her chin. She told me about her.... condition. I hate that for her, I could not imagine not being able to have children. It is very sad, but she said that she felt better when Itsuki started searching for orphans to adopt. 

So he didn't start his humanitarian efforts til after she was wounded?

Yes. I guess he is a better father than I gave him credit. 

Could you imagine us having hundreds of children?

OH, POWER THAT BE FORBID!!! Indrim shouts nervously. I would become overwhelmed, even with the maids helping. How a single man could do this well is nothing short of amazing.

Ronin laughs hardily. He is very dedicated. I heard from Brenda that he brushes each of their hair before bed.

Indrim laughs. Oh, that simply can not be true, he would be up all night!

And what of Sora and Bruno, I wonder what kind of father they might be? 

My impression is that Bruno might be a fine father. Sora, on the other hand....... if he sobered up a bit.... Ah, he would be fine with your mother's advice.

Speaking of, where did my mother go?

Probably to continue the reunion with Kate and Robert.

I guess that is best. Want a drink? Ronin hands her a pineapple cup with an umbrella and straw.

Where did you get this odd chalice?

My world, a place called Hawaii. Good thing I have been there on business. I believe my gate spell only allows me to travel to places I have previously been and can envision clearly.

You should take Vamor, sometime.

I'm afraid it might remind her too much of Pompeii, they have a volcano there too. In fact, I would go as far as calling it the next Pompeii.

Good point, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Indrim takes a sip of the drink. OH, WOW, that is very sweet!

It is fruit punch with a bit of rum.

I would have never believed fruits had fists til now. Indrim takes another sip.

Ronin chuckles in his head. I love how she is newly discovering things. I hope that innocent curiosity never ends. He thinks to himself.

A layered mountain raises, in the distance, slowly shaking the earth.

Indrim sighs with a smile. I am so glad our newly added citizens will have a place to live, soon. The first providence where all races can live peacefully, side by side. 

It would not have been possible without your influence. 


Yes, when we first, unofficially met, you asked if you could extend a peaceful invitation to demi-humans wishing to enter the Kingdom. 

That is actually what began my suspicions of you, cause my father would have argued the point to a standstill.

I don't know about that, he never said anything to me against the idea, only to tread lightly. 

His foresight may have been greater than we could understand.

What do you mean?

Perhaps he was allowing us to guide the Kingdom as we saw fit, in preparation for this day.

Oh, that reminds me, how do you feel about renaming Hellgan to Haven?

Indrim perks up with a wide smile. That sounds PERFECT!!!

Ronin smiles and shuts his eyes. Almost immediately Prem rushes before him, scared and nervous.

My dear King, you are in great danger!!! She shouts. Marvous marches against the East!

Whoa, Prem, calm down. Who is Marvous?

He is from the mid-western Kingdom of Necron, the shadow who eclipses the setting night!

Ronin laughs. Well, I eclipse the rising sun. Besides, who is darker than a shadow dragon?

Prem grabs him and shakes him. THIS IS NOT A JOKE, YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER!!! She shouts with tears in her eyes.

Ronin smiles. I didn't know you cared so much.

What could have possibly upset Prem to such an extent? What does Marvous have planned, and how does it involve Dralmor, Dremor, and Havoc? Dear reader, are you strapped in? Cause this rollercoaster is TAKING OFF!!!

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