She smiled and nodded as they started towards the blonde. She wasn't sure if she could be friends with her boyfriend's ex but she would try for his sake. God, it felt so good to refer to Brian as her boyfriend. She grinned happily as a  bounced entered  her steps.

"Oh no, not her", Melanie groaned and stomped her foot.

"Behave Melanie,you've caused enough trouble today and we're still having that talk when we get home, so don't make it worst for yourself', he warned.

They stopped at the table and Nancy looked up, smiling brightly when she saw them. She jumped up and hugged Brian tightly and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Lisa felt a pang of jealousy but quickly pushed it down and smile instead." Hello Nancy", she wrapped her arm around Brian's waist to remind Nancy that he was her's.

He chuckled softly and whispered in her ear "I'm all yours baby.All yours".

"Hi", Nancy waved timidly with a shy smile. The girl looked like she couldn't hurt a fly and her voice was no longer squeaky and high pitched. It was rather pleasant to listen to and Lisa thanked God for that.

Lisa shook the thoughts free from her head .This was a new start for all of them but Nancy was still a part of their lives. She was important to Brian so she would try her best to get along with her.

"Hey Mel", Nancy squatted so she and Melanie were eye level. 

Melanie didn't reply. She just stared down at her with a blank expression.

Her father nudged her with his knee and narrowed his eyes on her threateningly. 

She sighed and forced a smile. "Hello Nancy, how are you?", she asked politely.

Nancy returned her smile with a genuine one." I'm good, thanks".

They all sat down at the table with Lisa and Brian on one side and Melanie and Nancy on the other. Melanie had a scowl on her face and her arms were crossed at her chest.

"So what are you doing here? Did you come to meet someone special?", Brian wiggled his brows suggestively at Nancy.

 She blushed and hid her face in her hand for a moment then looked up and shrugged, glancing over at a familiar waiter across the room.

"Ahhh..I see", Brian pretended to have a light bulb moment.

Lisa rolled her eyes at his theatrics.Even Melanie looked to be amused but Lisa wasn't quite sure because her arms were still crossed but the scowl had lifted from her face and it was now blank and the corners of her mouth lifted slightly. It was astonishing how such a young child can school her facial expressions so well.Once again her heart ached for the child. When she was Melanie's age she was never like that. She was happy and carefree even through she yearned for the love of her father.

Long, perfectly shaped fingers were snapping in front of her face.She blinked rapidly and jerked back and away from the hand.

"Darn it woman, when you zone out you zone out ", Brian stated clearly amused.

Nancy laughed softly and Melanie giggled.

"What?", she rolled her eyes.

"He was asking you what you wanted to eat", Brian jerked his head towards the blonde waiter she and Melanie had seen last time.

"Oh, um...A medium chicken burger with fries and a banana milkshake please", she smiled up at the waiter.

"I'll have the same but a small chicken burger please", Melanie chirped bouncing up and down in her seat. Well someone liked milkshakes -or was it the burger and fries?

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