not a very bad day

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Omg, no matter what I will never forget that day it was the first day someone came to look for me.

Allin went to the officer and said :

excuse me sir: I am Allin franks lawyer can you tell me the story why did you take an underage kid to the jail.

The officer said hello me. Allin actually this is a really complicated story:

We found drugs with his father Johan and he told us that he found it with his son Frank 3days ago and he took it to destroy it but when we asked frankly he told us that those are not mine.
and when we asked him where if you're a father before we tell him about the drugs he said that his father is out of the country he traveled away a week ago and he doesn't know where he is now.

And we found a clue about Johan and his friends buying the drugs, from the street camera.

I really don't know how can a father do that to his son???

Frank is free to go but because you are late you can come and take him tomorrow morning.

Allin said okay thanks allot but can I talk with my client before I leave???

Yes of course but are you Johan's lawyer ???

Allin said while he is frustrated No officer I am not!!
the government will hire a lawyer for him.
I will go to see Frank know bye.

Allin went to see Frank and said hello son don't worry I will get you out of here don't worry are you okay??

Hi Mr: Allin I am okay don't worry about me but how is my father?

Allin was angry when he heard Johane's name he said that the cops could find evidence at him but till now I don't know how could he do that to you!!

Frank said Oh I am tired now I am going to sleep and thanks again good night Mr: Allin you have to go home and have some rest.

Okay good night see you tomorrow morning Frank and I am sorry about talking like that about your father but I was angry.
Actually, Mr. Allen, you are right he's a bad person but at the end of the road, he is still my father. Alan said that this is not your fault forget about it right now and go have some rest see you tomorrow morning

Allin called maria.........

Hi, Maria, it is me, Allin, this is my number.

Oh hi, what happened with Frank is he okay?? Why did they take him??? When they are going to release him???

Oka, Maria, now that you are worried about him but first of all, take a breathe okay I am going to answer all you're questions!!!

Frank is okay they are going to release him tomorrow don't worry okay!!

Marya said with a quiet voice Oh it is really good to hear that but you didn't tell me why did they take him???
Allen said with angry voice it is because of your husband the policemen found with his drugs and he said that he found it with frank goodbye now I have to go.

Allin hang up the phone without waiting for Maria to say goodbye

Allin wait at the car till the morning when he interned the police station
He saw all the policemen were fighting, so he asked what's going on?? what happened why are they fighting???
The doorkeeper said that they found one of the prisoners is dead he was killed by someone at night someone gave all the officers drug to sleep by a cup of tea and all the cameras was deleted.

Allin was surprised to know what

After an hour Allin talked with the officers about franks case and said the police said suddenly omg I can't believe what happened to the people these days, Allin said what's wrong what happened?? I am talking about franks case how could a father do that to his own son this is unbelievable is he even a human and now we have a murder without any clue!! look u have to till frank to be careful because he is his son !!

Allin said Murder,clueeeeeee what are you talking about And what does that have to do with franks case ??

The officer looked at him and said no one told you that the person who is dead is a franked father: Johan !!

Allin was so surprised and said what?? are you serious??

Yes unfortunately now me. Allin, you can take frank and if we wanted to talk to your client frank we will call you okay have a nice day.

After an hour allin finished all the papers and took frank out the police station Allin said I will take you at the restaurant to have breakfast okay,
no Mr.Allen no need thank u for, and I am really sorry about everything you get through because of me and my family!!

Don't say that again we are our family and don't forget that we are neighbors this is my job and forget that I'm a lawyer.
Now Don't worry and let us go to the restaurant I talked with you're mother and Robin they will be there don't worry it just a breakfast lets go !!

We arrived at the restaurant and waited for mom and Robbin
so basically Allin started to talk with me to open a topic He asked me about what do I want to the future??
Mmmmmmmm my: Mr.Alin I really didn't think of it before.

This was the. The first time anyone asked me a question about me
So this was the first day I fell that I am not invisible!!!
Can you believe that?

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A tip doesn't matter what happened to you but you have to know that life will be better soon

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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