Chapter 1

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 In a kingdom far far away, there lives a princess, Elizabeth, as she sits in her bedroom waiting for her favorite servant to arrive.

 Elizabeth's favorite servant was one that had been rescued from a freak circus, which had been traveling across Europe. A scientist had sewn dog-ears to his head, and infused his brain with dog habits, then taking away his ability to speak a valid language, if he ever even could. This servant, she came to know as Rust, and he was one of the most loyal, obedient servants she had ever had. Oh! And he loved to play games with her.

 The servant makes his way to Elizabeth's room. He slowly opens the door. Though she had taught him how-- after much much patience-- he learned how to open doors with his hands rather than his teeth.

 Rust's sheepish feet slowly scoot into the room as a soft whining escapes his lips, trying to receive the princess's attention.

 "Ah?" The princess turns and smiles softly at her servant. With a soft voice one would use on a puppy she asks, "how is my favorite puppy doing today?" She walks over to him and gently scratches his ears.

 A bright blush crosses the servant's cheeks, as his tongue soon finds itself drooping out of his mouth, and his foot stepping up and down softly in satisfaction.

 His panting of happiness, can only express to the princess how he feels, as he slowly bends down, to be closer to the short princess's face.

 The princess smiles. This one was so cute and everything he did was adorable. He was more her friend than servant. The only thing he really served her was a ball that she could throw for him. She gasps in playful surprise as she pulls out his favorite ball. "Look what I've got," she cooes as her fingers wrapped around the ball.

 The servant's eyes fly open even more, as his panting ceases, his ears point up in curiosity, and his head tilts in the cutest of ways as he stares at the princess's magic thing.

 He starts panting again, as he moves ever so slowly towards her hand to sniff. The princess tosses the magical sphere in the air and catches it one handed. Her smile widens when she sees the excitement dilate in her friend's eyes.

 Rust then jumps up, and starts backing away, making excited, whining notices as he does. His back shakes, as if he had a tail he wished to flaunt about, and his feet jump gently as he backs ever so tauntingly away.

 She laughs with an amused smile. "Alright alright," her arm is pulled back before she throws the ball across the room.

 Before she has a chance to see him go, Rust is darting acrross the room, towards the flying, twirling ball, as he lets out excited yelps, a wide smile growing on his face.

 The princess sighs as she squats down, letting her dress fall around her like petals as she waits for her friend's return. She hopes he doesn't break anything....

 Suddenly there is a loud crash, making her flinch. "Not again," she says to herself with a long sigh. She stands and brushes herself off as she hears the other servants scolding her poor puppy.

 Suddenly the servants hear little feet. "Stop it stop it!" The little princess comes running in with her arms flailing. "Can't you see you're scaring him??!!"

 The servants look up from the clumsy servant who has a ball in his mouth and a broken flower pot on his head, to the young princess as she glides towards him, arms still flailing.

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