Isis touched the blood on her face. The blood turned from red to black. All the blood on her face shaped itself into a black ball and floated above her hand. The ball took on a ..... texture as it molded itself into the shape of a sword. The black sword was about five feet long and about two inches wide.

   Ezekiel watched the blood's transformation in wonder. He knew Isis wasn't by any means normal but he was not expecting that. That was amazing. Still, Ezekiel wondered if Isis could defeat all of them with just a sword.

   "Very good Isis." Said the voice behind the glass. Seemingly proud. "You can create that sword at will without too much blood. That is quite the feet. However you still lack the ability to use it to it's full potential. It won't do you any good in this situation."

   Without a word, or any hesitation, Isis swung her black sword in a wide arc. Her arms a blur of movement. The juggernaut roared, and charged Isis and Ezekiel. The armed soldiers opened fire. Ezekiel was certain he and Isis would die. He wondered what Isis was thinking. Did she have have a plan.

   Suddenly everything around Ezekiel slowed down and his vision shifted. Ezekiel saw a young man running what looked like an obstacle course. The boy was jumping over high walls with ease, jumping over gaps eighteen feet wide and running as fast as Isis.

   Ezekiel had no idea how the vision was happening or why. This was all so strange. Then he recognized the young man as himself. He then suddenly knew why the vision was trying to show him. It was showing him the things he could do. He was just as mobile as Isis.

   His vision returned to the real world. Everything was still moving in slow motion. Then everything moved at it's normal speed and Isis finished the swing of her sword. Ezekiel eyes grew wide as a back arc flew from her black sword. The arc made it's way to the juggernaut and the soldiers. The soldiers scattered, with the exception of a couple who got cut in half and the juggernaut who got blown off it's feet.

   Isis looked at Ezekiel before running for the door that the soldiers came from. Ezekiel, this time without any hesitation ran after her. He could feel himself moving as faster and faster.

   Isis made turns at every corner. Ezekiel wondered if she knew were she was going. Unfortunately he didn't have time to ask. Bullets came wizzing past them from behind. The roar of the juggernaut could be heard also from behind.

   Ezekiel heard soldiers up ahead. They were cornered. Suddenly Isis grabbed his wrist and the both ducked inside a room after Isis broke the lock. She barricaded the door. After she'd put a desk in front of the door, she started searching the room.

   "What the hell is going on!?" Ezekiel demanded to know. "What exactly is happening here?"

   Isis stared at Ezekiel for a moment before opening her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the roar of the juggernaut and loud banging against the door. She started searching again. She searched more urgently this time.

   "Just give up." Said a voice on a intercom somewhere in the room. Ezekiel recognized the voice as the same one behind the the glass window from the previous room. "You can't escape. You have no chance."

   Isis grinned at Ezekiel then pushed over a tall wooden cabinet to reveal a square whole in the wall. Above the hole was a yellow sign that read 'garbage disposal'.

   "Ezekiel we have to go." Isis said urgently.

   Ezekiel looked back at the door and knew any moment it would give in to the continuous beating it was taking. Ezekiel looked back at Isis. Her obsidean sword still in her hand. He purple eyes silently pleading for him to hurry. She'd helped him so much already. Ezekiel had no reason to mistrust her. Even if she was crazy.

   Ezekiel ran over to garbage shoot and looked to Isis. The purpose haired girl nodded. Ezekiel nodded back and dived feet first into the shoot. The soot was like a long slide. There was no light except the one at the end of the soot. Moments later he could hear someone else coming down the soot after him.

   After about a minute Ezekiel made it out of the garbage disposal. He went falling a short distance before landing on his back inside I huge garbage can. It smelled horrible but luckily the garbage that already filled it cushioned his fall. A couple seconds later, Isis came sailing out of the garbage disposal, her sword nowhere to be found. She landed right on Ezekiel's lap who let out a small "umf" upon her landing.

   Isis made no attempts to get up. In fact, she straddled Ezekiel. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she looked into his eyes and smiled lovingly. She said nothing. She just looked into his eyes. Ezekiel was completely mesmerized. Her beautiful purple eyes made him speechless. He felt a bit uncomfortable that she was straddling him but he couldn't do anything about it. Her gaze paralyzed him. Ezekiel started to wonder what was going through her head at this moment.

   Suddenly Isis got quickly to her feet. Ezekiel shook himself out of the days he was in and made his way to his feet also. Ezekiel wondered what had just happened but decided not to ask.

   "We have to move." Isis said, climbing out of the huge garbage bin. She landed without a sound fifteen feel below. "They'll be tracking us soon.

   Ezekiel nodded. Without hesitation he hopped out of the garbage bin and landed lightly on his toes. He was started to get use to his enhanced abilities already. He found it way easier to just embrace then.

   "Where to now?" Ezekiel asked Isis, his eyes still adjusting to the outside world. The sun was just setting and a cool breeze danced on his skin.

   Isis started towards a ladder that was drilled into the side of the huge building they'd escape from. She climbed it and Ezekiel followed. The young man couldn't believe the size of this building. It was huge

   Finally the two made it to the roof. The made it in time to see the setting sun completely vanish. Ezekiel gasp in surprise. Surrounding the building was a tall concrete wall. Inside the wall were all kinds of military equipment. Tank, helicopters, armored truck, etc. Ezekiel couldn't believe how many soldiers roamed around.

  On the other side of the wall, Ezekiel could see small buildings, trees, and people. Everything seemed normal out there. He wondered what state he was in.

   Isis pointed over the wall. "That is our destination."  She said. "Anywhere that's not within the walls"

   "okay. How do we get out of here?" Ezekiel asked.

   A grin stretched across Isis's face. "Like this dear Ezekiel."

   Isis, in a blur of movement, grabbed the back of Ezekiel's pants with one hand, and the back of his shirt with the other. Before Ezekiel knew what was happening, she picked him up and spun him around before launching in the air. The young man went sailing into the sky, screaming at the top off his lungs.

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