Chapter Three

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Drinking. Drinking is currently all Elena can concentrate on. Drink through her grief. It's only been a week. A week of nothing but the bottle. Dick tries, bless him he really does. He brings her food and tries to get her to leave, but she just hisses at the sunlight. Like a bat, she roams her penthouse at night and sleeps during the day. She continues to ignore Tony, it's not his fault, it's hers. She wants to be alone. Alone to wallow in her loss. Alfred cleans up whilst she sleeps. Leaves a clean set of clothing out. Feeds Robin. Organizes any work she needs to do, which she does, barely. She's lucky she hired Lucius Fox to take over whilst she 'recovers'. Her father trusted him and so does she. Elena rubs at her eyes as she yawns shuffling towards her living room, a lamp the only light in a room blocked off by the curtains. Her eyes locking onto a figure sat, waiting for her.

"Who are you?" she asks stumbling a little, gripping onto the back of the couch to glare at him.

"Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D." he answers, lounging on her couch as if he belonged there, she narrows her eyes. "I ordered some coffee" Fury states motioning to the trolley as it stops. "Perhaps you should take some" she clenches her jaw and then nods taking a seat. David pours her a cup and sets it on the table.

"Thank you, David" Elena offers, he nods and backs away leaving the trolley but leaves the room. She picks up the coffee and then leans back in her seat. "What is this about?" she asks.

"It is not about...Batwoman" he answers, she purses her lips. "Not today" he then throws a file down on the desk. "Your father's murder"

"It was a gas leak" she states, her voice wavering slightly. "Investigators said so" he motions to the file, she looks to it but she does hesitate. She taps her fingers on the side of the cup in her hands before she closes her eyes. Just open it. Just open the damn file. She clenches her jaw and sets the mug down before reaching for the file.

"We are aware of your father's former extra curriculum activity," Fury tells her. "We are aware of the work he did in protecting the city...we are aware that after your took up that mantle....we know you aided Tony Stark in the events surrounding Stane.....we know you aided in the disappearance of Laurel Stark"

"She's fine" Elena argues. "You don't need to worry about her" Fury shoots her a look. She sighs and opens the file. Her eyes shift from grief to anger.

"October 31st saw the inmates of Arkham Asylum riot, a number escaped...among them was..."

"The Joker" she states staring at the file. "He's out there?" she asks.

"We..." he pauses and leans forward. "I believe he is responsible for the attack on your home" she clenches so hard her neck muscles strain, her breath is jagged and sharp.

"Where is he?" she asks, her voice fierce and strong. "Where is he right now?"

"We are tracking him" Fury answers. "And you will be the first to know" he promises as he stands. "When we find him"

"If he killed my father" Elena starts. "I will kill him for it" she warns. "Regardless of the consequences I will kill him" she promises. "No more Batman justice, no more Arkham, no more Blackgate, no Belle Reve, no Icebox, I will end him"

"There will be no consequences" He offers. "Off the record" they share a look, she nods sharply. "Do whatever you need to" she nods again and throws the file back down. "Should I contact Oracle?" he asks, she lifts her eyes to his. She snorts and nods.

"Yes, she will pass along anything I need to know" she answers, he nods and then leaves. Elena lets out a breath and glares at the file. Joker. Probably Batman's greatest nemesis. And finally, the thing that did him in. Batwoman will be the one to bring swift justice. Her justice. He is not getting away with this. He is not getting out of this alive.


Elena stands at Bruce's grave, her jaw tight, a fierce determination on her face even as she cries. The Joker is probably her family's greatest enemy. Not only has he killed Bruce, but he was the one responsible for the death of Jason too. He and his psychotic little girlfriend had trapped Robin and then poisoned him, what Jason went through was cruel and basically torture.

"I promise you that I will find him, I will, Daddy" she looks down, her eyes closing letting tears roll down her cheeks. "I will find him" she whispers and then looks up determined. "I will kill him for what he has done, to you, to me, to Jason, to this family. All the years of pain, and suffering, he will pay for them all" she growls and then lifts her head up high. "This city will learn to fear the bat again" Behind her, footsteps approach. Dick approaches her. He moves to her side.

"Elena" he whispers softly reaching up to touch her arm, she jerks away from him. "Don't" he warns. "Okay, look...whatever you are going through, I am right here with you"

"Joker escaped" She admits. "He escaped and this is all his fault"

"Lena" he whispers. "It doesn't matter, let SHIELD deal with it" she looks to him.

"You remember what he did?" she asks. "Why he was in Arkham, this time around?" Dick nods.

"I remember"

"So why don't you care that he's free?" she argues. "That he's done this to us, yet again"

"Of course I care!" he snaps back. "But I'm not going to let this consume me...." he moves to her. "I can see it in your eyes already, you go down this path and you will never be the same again"

"Good" she hisses. "The old me would never be capable of doing what needs to be done" she pushes at his chest. "You're not capable" she snaps. "I will avenge this family, I will avenge MY father, I will avenge Jason"

"He was my father too" Dick argues weakly knowing that she doesn't actually mean that, she's just upset and angry. "He raised me, he trained me...." she looks away, her entire body shaking with all the pent up emotions inside of her. "Elena, please, I'm worried about you" he steps into her line of sight. "So is Tony" she snaps her head up. "He says you haven't spoken to him since the funeral..."

"So?" she asks. "It's none of your business"

"That man adores you and you are pushing him away" Dick argues. "Please, just....come back to the hotel, get some sleep, have something to eat...."

"I can't" she whispers. "I have things to do" she turns and walks away, Dick closes his eyes and throws his head back. His sister is impossible. And more so when she is right. Sort of. The Joker needs to pay, but murder is not the right way to go about it. He lowers his head to look at Bruce's grave.

"I'll look after her" he promises and then follows after Elena.

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