Chapter Eight

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Tony tucks his hands into his pockets as he crosses the cemetery. They always creep him out. How quiet and dark and desolate they seem. The last month with Elena has been great. Something shifted in their relationship that Valentine's Day, something changed, evolved. Other than the fact they finally slept together after a year of flirting and kidnappings and weirdness. It was like floodgates. He's barely been able to keep his hands to himself when he's with her. Has to be touching her. Her hands. Her waist. Her face. He's never been like this. Like some teenager sick in love. And he thinks he is. In love that is. He's never felt this way about a woman before, so he kid of already knows. He's just not ready to admit it, out loud, to anyone even himself yet. Tony stops at Bruce Wayne's grave, fresh flowers leaning against it, unlit but melted candles, he knows Pepper, Dick, and Elena have been coming here, regularly. He's a little surprised Bruce wasn't buried in the crypt he knows is on the Wayne land, but probably something to do with it all going up in smoke and flames. Maybe Bruce had specific instructions about his death. He doesn't know. He crouches in front of it and nods to himself.

"So" Tony starts staring down at Bruce's grave. He takes a breath. "I've never done this before" he admits. "The whole talking to the dead....or the....asking permission thing and I know it's usually for engagements and I know we're not there.....yet, and Elena were close, you're opinion matters to her, I am. Asking if it's okay if I ask your daughter out, to date, officially" he looks around feeling stupid about doing this. But he wanted to do something. Part of it is his own guilt, his own...issues. "Right" he whispers looking back at the grave. "Good talk" he mumbles and then walks away.


In a moment much like the one Elena went through after her return, she stands at the top of a set of stairs, dressed up to party. Dick and Barbara stand at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her. And Tony lingers at the bar, his eyes on her despite the blonde twins at his side trying to get his attention, he doesn't see them, not when Elena looks like that. Tight, sinfully tight, black dress with gold accessories that make her look....he loved the pink, he loved the red, but seeing her in black is something else. Elena takes a breath and sets her hand on the railing ready to descend. This is her first birthday after the death of her father, it's bittersweet. She has a party every year, except for the year before because of her kidnapping. But Bruce has been at each and every single one of her birthdays, without fail. And he's not here to celebrate it with her. Dick gives her a smile as she approaches him, stepping down the stairs. Tony slips in front of Dick who shoots him a look but smirks when he turns to Barbara who takes his hand and shakes her head. Both of them know how both Elena and Tony feel about one another. They've seen the looks, watched them together. They recognize the signs.

"Look at you" Tony teases when Elena reaches him, she smiles at him, but there is that sadness behind her eyes, today is a bad day. She misses her dad. He holds out his hand to her. "Would you like a drink?" he asks her as she takes his hand, she nods.

"Please" she whispers, he brushes his thumb over the back of her hand and escorts her across the room to the bar, her hand clutching to his. He's not bothered about press photos that will come of this. He has a plan in his mind. And tonight.....their relationship will change.


Elena makes the rounds during her party, and Tony has to let her do it alone but he watches her weave and charm her way through the room, applying some of her businesswoman personas to help her remain calm and collected among people that she barely knows. People that only come creeping out of the woodwork once a year for this party. But he loses sight of her at one point, so he goes looking for her. Wanting to check on her. He finds her on the balcony overlooking the city, it's a beautiful view, and he's not just talking about the city. She leans on the railing taking a few deep breaths, a glass of champagne in her hand. He leans at her side, both of them comfortable in their silence. His fingers brush against hers and she glances at him. Both of them sharing a look.

"Thank you," she tells him, he frowns a little. "For being here" she adds and looks back out at the city. "I..." she taps her nails against the glass. "I am glad you're here" she whispers, he threads his fingers with hers and leans closer to kiss her head, she smiles softly and closes her eyes.

"You're welcome" he assures her. It's now or never. It has to be now. He turns to lean on his side, his eyes on her face. "Elena" he starts, she hums and looks at him, twisting slightly to face him. "I was kind of thinking" Tony starts playing with her fingers, she cocks her head trying to read him. "If well...." he clears his throat and sighs. "Look, I've never asked someone out before, I mean proper asking them out" he lifts his eyes to hers.

"Is that what you're doing?" she teases lightly. "Asking me to be your girlfriend?" he rubs the back of his neck and nods. "Even after my behavior the last few months?"

"Lena" he whispers. "You were grieving," he tells her. "It was okay" he leans closer to her. "I like to think that this last year...I've seen all these sides to you" her eyes search his. "I've seen how strong and smart you are, but I've also seen how kind and caring and how much you love your family" she steps closer to him and smirks up at him. "I like you" he admits. "A lot..."

"Infamous ladies man is willing to go steady" she comments. "She must be something else," she tells him, he smirks.

"The best" he agrees.

"How can a girl say no to that?" she whispers warmly, he smiles at her and leans closer to kiss her, she hums happily against his lips. 


Dick pulls his tie free as he drops into the seat next to Barbara, the two of them had joined Elena and Tony after the party at the Glasshouse. The new couple sits across from them, Elena curled into Tony's side.

"I'm glad you two finally decided to take the plunge" Dick teases. "You've basically been there all this time just...Without the titles"

"Yeah" Tony agrees.

"We have some news, as well" Dick admits smiling down at Barbara at his side. He threads his fingers through hers and kisses the back of her hand. "You want to tell them?" he asks Barbara who nods and turns to face Elena and Tony.

"I'm pregnant," Barbara tells them, Elena bursts into a smile and stands moving to hug Barbara. Tony doesn't know them both well enough yet to be at the hugging stage but he does stand and shake Dick's hand.

"This is great" Elena comments softly. Some good news in the face of death that's marked them the last few months. "I'm so happy for you" she adds, Dick pulls her into a hug, she clutches to him, he knows just where her mind went. That Bruce wouldn't be here to see his first grandchild. That he's going to miss out on this. Bruce would have been a good grandfather.

"I know" Dick whispers in her ear. "But we'll tell them all about him" he kisses her head and pulls back from her. "Plus they'll have Auntie Elena..." he teases, she smiles and nods. "And she's pretty awesome" he adds poking her cheek before pulling her into another hug, holding onto her tightly. 

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