"following you, sorry not sorry but because of yesterday, going to be on your tail for a while. So why'd you come here?"

Harry stayed silent for a few moments, not really wanting to remember the horrific memory


You hummed and shuffled closer to him, your thighs knocking into his.

"Oh, is it a recurring or just a random one?"


You noticed that Harry was uncomfortable with the topic so you changed it.

"this place is beautiful"

"Um, thanks"

"when did you discover it?"


"I think I was less than a year old, me mum took me and Harriet out here when...ya know happened, and its been my secret spot ever since"

"Oh," you smiled, its nice to know that Harry's mother was kind, at least to harry and his sister.

"does Uma know?"

"no, I never told her, I didn't wan' her to know. Its always been me moms spot."

"don't worry I won't tell, everyone deserves an area to be alone"

Harry stared at you, face pink and eyes sparkling, you didn't see it though, you were looking at the gleaming crystals on the ceiling. Harry harshly swallowed and bit his lip, making a decision.

"thanks...you-you are welcome to come anytime ye want"

You whipped your head around to look at him, face now red and your hand clutched tighter onto Harrys. Harry saw your face and waved his free hand in dismissal. Afraid he said to much and scared you off (he didn't really have much info on relationships, boi is clueless)

"i-I mean you don't have to if ye don't wan' too!! It was-"

You pressed a kiss to his warm red cheek, making his blush spread to all over his face and neck. You pulled back and gave him a dazzling smile.

"thank you harry, that's really kind of you"

He gave a dorky smile and stuttered over his words.

"I guess, I just-" Harry was interrupted when you looked around and up, seeing a hole in the ceiling where you saw a plethora of stars.

"holy shit!"

Harry jumped slightly and followed your line of sight, to the break in the ceiling.

"oh that, yeah beautiful view huh, it's the only spot on the Isle where I can see the stars"


Harry stared at you, a million thoughts going through his head, he settled on one and grabbed your hand and pulled you up with him and led you to some stairs that led to the hidden cliff.

"...come with me"


Harry pulled you through the opening and you gasped, Harry smiled at the look on your face, yeah, he liked that look. He wanted it to be there forever, happiness and awe.

"oh. My. God."


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