New lifes and back

Start from the beginning

She slowly tried to sit up. Stuggling to lift her own weight. She was weak. FP saw that and grabbed her. Carefully getting her on his arms. Jughead and Betty were standing in the doorframe the whole time. They knew they shouldn't overwhelm Alice in that state. FP carefully carried her bridal style out of the door. She was clinging on to him for dear life. Betty and Jughead were walking in front of them looking around for people from the farm that want to stop them from getting Alice out of there. To their surprise there was no one. They guy that wanted to stop them to get in was nowhere to be seen and also no one else. They didn't understood why, yet they were glad, since it made it all a lot easier. Betty held the door open while Jughead was running in front to the car to open the door so FP could place Alice inside of it. FP carefully placed her on the passengers seat and buckled her seatbelt. Jughead and Betty got in the back and they slowly drove home.

Arriving at the Jones house FP carried Alice upstairs and laid her down on his bed and tucked her in. He was about to step away from the bed to go downstairs to talk to Betty and Jughead when he felt her grab his wrist. "Don't leave me. I can't stay here alone." "You are not alone. I am just downstairs talking to the kids." "But what if they come back to get me. Please...stay with me...", she was tearing up and he could see how terrified she was just thinking about what had happened to her recently. He couldn't say no to her. He just sat down beside the bed and held her hand until she fell asleep. Short after his head fell down on the bed and so he stayed there sleeping.

The next weeks weren't easy for them. Alice had huge difficulties to adjust to normal life again. They kind of brainwashed the ability to live a normal live out of her. In the morning she woke up and didn't knew what to do. She just stayed there until either FP, Jughead or Betty came to her to get her to the bathroom and then downstairs to breakfast. Alice tried her hardest to just do what everyone else was doing, yet she didn't know how. This leaded to the common situation of her breaking down out of frustration. She just wanted her normal life back and take care of her daughter and not the other way around. She should be the one to make breakfast in the morning even if this wasn't even her home anymore. It was the place of Jughead and FP, but she caught herself with the thought of just staying there with all of them forever. She loved to have them all around. Her daughter with her boyfriend and FP with whom she had a special connection with since High School also if they never really worked out. There was always something or someone stopping them from being happy.

Time passed on and after a few months Alice was finally back on track. She had her life back and she was happy about it. After all her bad experiences as a journalist first at the register and then as a reporter for the town belonging to the farm, she decided it would be the best to stay away from it for some time and asked Pop if she could work there for starters. Pop was happy that she was doing better again and was pleased that she wanted to work there again.

She started with her first shift the next day together with FP, who was also still working there. It felt kind of weird for her to do so with all the people staring at her. They didn't knew what exactly happened with her, yet they all had seen her change to the tea drinking hippie person and then she had completely disappeared for some time. She hated the looks they gave her, but tried to ignore them and just do her work. It was good that FP was there with her. She felt pretty comfortable around him again. They were friends with a deeper meaning. That was all. Not more. Just friends. Literally their only friends. While Alice was recovering from her experience FP mainly focused on her so he let Fred down a lot. He knew they were still friends and will always be. He just felt a lot closer to Alice. A lot to be honest. And not only that. He felt his feelings for her coming back even stronger than before. He had pushed them aside all this time to make it easier for both of them. But now seeing her back to work and living her life again made him want to give it another try and this time he was going to make it right. He will not rush it. They would take it slow, take their time and go on dates. They were already kind of living together, which meant nothing for their relationship from his point. It was just their living situation and he didn't wanted anything to change about it.

Another try - Falice oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now