His comment made her blush, too. "I was five!"

"And I was three!"

Daire bit her lip, having no comeback.

But Damian did. "And if you tell them that, I'll tell them <of you learning to drive>."

"The wall wasn't there before!" she insisted.

"It was, too!"

"Was not!"

"Walls don't move!"

"That one did!"

"I don't entirely know what's going on," they heard Jason say to Dick and Tim, "but this is the best show I've ever seen."

Tim nodded. "Gold."

"Stay out of this!" Daire screeched.

"You're the ones making a scene," Bruce reminded. It hit Damian: they were still playing dress up.

Both children tutted, "Tt," and returned to their disagreement.

They dropped the cryptic language changes, staying in English and giving vague prompts. The went through childhood moments, increasing getting more and more frustrated with the other.

The others watched the exchange, wondering if this was the alleged fighting they heard siblings had. Little did they know. . .

Then Damian made a threat he didn't mean. They both knew he didn't mean it, but the words flew out before he thought twice about his poor choice. "Then I'll tell them about your father."

Daire froze, her annoyed tick going back. She wasn't relaxed, but her features went dark. "That was low."

Damian knew he crossed a line, but he was in the lead. He stood tall and didn't back down, staring back at her. There was no sound, just the two siblings glaring at each other, waiting for the other to do something, standing just inches apart.

Unexpectedly, Daire stroked first, throwing her entire body into her punch. Damian took the blunt it, not having enough time to dodge or react. But he quickly recovered, bending his knee and sending one leg out. Daire's knees buckled, but she managed to direct her fall toward Damian.

With a thud, they hit the floor. Damian let out a grunt, the combined weight of him and his older sister landing flat on his back taking the breath out of him. They struggled, using skills to get the upper hand, occasionally going with blind instinct to pound at the other. Though typically gentle with the other, now something flowed through their veins, and they held nothing back.

Damian rolled them over, elbowing Daire at the base of her ribs. She gritted her teeth, pushing his arm away. Damian straddled her waist, his hands locking on her wrists and pinning them by her head. He was strong enough to keep her arms pinned.

But this is where their training made things bitter. Daire pushed one leg deeper into the carpeted floor, swinging her other leg up. First try, she hit Damian's back. Second try, she kneed the back of his head. He leaned forward, but Daire planted both feet firmly on the floor, thrusting her hips up. Damian, his weight on his hands, flew forward. To stop himself from face- planting, he moved his hands to catch his fall.

Arms now free, Daire pushed and rolled before Damian got his balance back. His body easily went with the force of the push, not prepared for the redirection.

The brother and sister rolled around on the floor, growling and pulling hair and cursing worse than Jason. The eventually made their way to their feet, backing up a few feet for the space needed to do so without worry.

Hands clenched into fists, teeth showing, eyes focused, ready to pounce or block. Testing the waters, Damian jerked forward, not really moving. Daire, in response, flinched, going to block an imaginary blow. She realized the trick and returned to her weary stance before creating an opening.

Damian jerked again, but Daire had less of a response.

"Enough!" Bruce roared, stepping in between them. His arms hovered at his sides, ready to stop them if they leapt forward. "This is getting ridiculous!"

"And it didn't when you first dressed like a giant bat?" Daire spat.

"Stay out of this, Father."

"You two need to calm down. I don't know what's going on but you need-" Bruce didn't get to finish.

"Hmph!" they both huffed, stomping off in opposite directions.

"What just happened?" Tim asked.

"I don't know," Dick answered honestly.


Left on their own to cool off, they met in front of their bedroom doors an hour and a half later.



Damian knew he was the one who crossed the line, but he didn't want to be the one to back down. He would, but he didn't want to.

"Do you regret it?" Daire questioned.

Damian relaxed. She was giving him the easy way out. "Yes."

She relaxed, too. "Apology accepted. You're forgiven. Am I?" She held out her hand, offering an official truce.

Damian obliged. "Forgiven."

Twenty minutes later, when everyone decided the duo had enough time to cool down, they searched for the siblings, finding them in the game room.

"Is everything alright?" Bruce asked when Daire jumped back from the game, cheering.

"Yeah," she replied, having heard them enter the room. "Why wouldn't it be?"

AN: legit this is how some of my fights went with my brother and sisters. Ah, siblings. Gotta love them. XD

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