Chapter 9

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Wolf had to stop. His breath slowed to a heavy pant, his legs burning from running much longer than they were used to.

He didn't know where we was, only the direction he was going. He had to stop.

He sat down on the damp early morning grass, the sun a bright slit in the white sheet of sky. He slumped back against a large rock, completely exhausted. He felt his eyes slipping, closing slowly. He didn't try to fight, he let subconsciousness envelope him entirely.

~ ••• ~

Wolf waited nervously, bouncing on the balls of his feet. His fingers itched to ruffle his hair, messy the way Scarlet liked it. He fidgeted in his suit, not used to the formal attire.

The grand wooden doors swung forward, revealing a radiant woman, smiling wider than he'd ever seen her before. Scarlet looked up at him with her huge brown eyes, fathomless and beautiful. Her pale face glowed with happiness as she let Thorne take her by the arm. He whispered in her ear and she nodded, biting her lip nervously. Wolf's eyes lit up as she walked towards him, hers never leaving his face.

He was hungry, longing for her. His vision sparked passionately as she got ever closer. She giggled as Thorne whispered in her ear, still her eyes never wondered from his.

Eventually she reached him and Wolf couldn't contain his affection. He wrapped his arms around Scarlet and lifted her from the ground. He kissed her deeply, the world fell away from them, time slowed to nothing. He opened his eyes to see Scarlet had hers wide open, glinting mischievously. He pulled her closer still, her breasts pressing against his chest. He kissed her more passionately, his heart beating faster by the second.

After what seemed like hours, the couple broke apart. The world came back into focus, and their ears were greeted with the sound of applause. Scarlet smiled shyly at her feet and Wolf hugged her tight.

In those few minutes, seconds, in that moment, Wolf felt all his problems wash away. He held Scarlet closer, rocking her gently. He pushed her chin up with his thumb, and kissed her again, spilling all he was hiding into that kiss.

She kissed him back, with all she had.

~ ••• ~

The instincts of a WolfWhere stories live. Discover now