Chapter 1

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Traveling in the dark of the night was a woman that could only be described as the Shadow of Death, and they called her; Phoenix.

"Stop!" I order, aiming my gun at a shadow in the distance, "Back away from the explosive!"

"Or what?" He smirks, throwing out his hands, "You aren't gonna shoot me, who would disarm the bomb?"

"Me." I step forward, aiming my gun, "On your knees, now."

"No." He smiles, condescendingly, taking a single step closer to the bomb.

Before he can react, I clip him twice with my .22, once on his shoulder, and another on his leg, "Bang bang, Jackass."
I smile as I step over the man's body and towards the bomb. "Finally, I can go back to HQ." I think, blissfully, to myself. I step up to the bomb pulling out my cell phone, opening a camera app specially designed by our tech guys, for identifying key components in an explosive. After taking a quick picture, I send it off to my bomb specialist, Agent Hawk. While I wait, I check to see if the man is alive, as I may be able to question him for more information. He is. I pull out my medical supplies, and proceed to bandage his arm and shoulder.

"Phoenix, is that dynamite?" I hear Hawk say through my earpiece.

"5 minutes, Hawk," I shoot back, feeling impatient. "My medical bills will come out of your paycheck."
I wait a few seconds and am about to speak again when he replies.

"Ok, ok, geez. Pull out the green, blue, and red wires in that order, to turn on the keypad." He says, "But, be careful not to disturb the black wire. It will cause it to detonate immediately. Then use your decoder to find the passcode."

"Got it," I answer, calmly, "I should give you a raise."
I imagine him sitting there muttering "she won't" under his breath as he smiles at the screen, causing me to blush. Focus! I imagine my father would say.
Shaking my head, I look carefully at the wires, before gently pulled out the green wire, then blue, then red. "Ok, now the code." I mutter to myself, flipping open the cover to the keypad. I plug in the decoder, Hoping that it cracks the code in time. It did and the timer stopped. "Gotcha." I laugh

"It's disarmed," I report into my earpiece, before grabbing the man, putting him in the passenger side of my black Mustang, and drive into the night.

"We need to recruit more agents!" I hear from around the corner as I walk into HQ.

"Well, you try telling Phoenix that!" I hear the familiar voice of Hawk reply "Because, I sure as hell won't."
I let him finish talking before I walk around the corner, saying, "I'm going out to recruit more agents today." I watch as the girl, Agent Shrike, turns completely red, as she realized I had heard her. She mutters an excuse quickly, before running off.

"So.. Wanna come too, Agent Hawk?" I tease, subconsciously rubbing the scar on my hand.

"Can we ride your motorcycle?" 

"Wait, I don't have a- you didn't!" I gasp.

"I did." He smiled, "and It's got a phoenix on the side."

I run over to him, grinning. "Oh, thank you!" I shriek, hugging him.

"So, we going or not?" He asks.

"Let's go find us some rookies!" I laugh, as I run towards the garage.
I almost scream when I see my new ride, it has red wheels, a thermal scanner, and it's body is a matte black. I swing my leg over the seat, resisting the urge to lean against Hawk as he occupies the seat behind. I lean forward, rev the engine, and drive.

It takes us two hours to finally arrive. Stretching, I take in the decor.
The White Horse Tavern, the best bar in New York. Usually. But, as we walk in I notice a young woman being harassed by Jay, an old friend of my parents. After they died, he had became a drunk and all-out nuisance. But, before I can take a step to help her, she shoots up, grabbing him by the collar and throwing him off his seat. Then, I notice the familiar glint of a gun under his shirt. I jump forward as he goes to stand, putting my heel against his chest shoving him back down to the floor.
"Hey" I yell, "Back off Jay, she's with me!"
I smirk as he stands, and take a single, threatening step forward. A Crowd had started to gather, I look up at the girl, her eyes are wide as she takes in the scene before her.

"I will shoot you, Jay." I smile, as I reach for my gun, "In fact, I would find it quite... pleasurable."
He pulls out his own gun, I aim to shoot, but before I can pull the trigger, two of the bystanders run forward, tackling Jay, and proceed to hold him down.

"Oi!" He shouts, thrashing around, "Let me go!"

"Let him go, guys." I sigh, "Follow me, You too lady."
As I walk out I press the button on my earpiece, "We've got three,"

"Great!" I hear Agent Shrikes voice, reply, "I'll send a vehicle to pick Y'all up."

"Roger," I laugh, as I walk towards the group.

"Ok!" I smile, "Names everyone! I am Liv Wood, but you will call me Phoenix"

The girl raised her hand slightly, with a confused look in her eyes, "Kaitlynne."
I look to each one of them as they say their names. The older of the two guys was Alex, the younger went by Logan, "Well it is wonderful to meet you all,"

"What do you want with us," Logan asks, worried, "Are we in trouble because of what happened in there?"

"Oh, not at all, " I laugh, "Actually I would like to invite you to join my agency,"

"Wait, agency?" Kaitlynne cocks her head, "What kind of agency?"
I do a shooting motion with my hands, "We catch terrorists mostly but we pretty much deal with criminals."
Hawk walks into the room, then, announcing that the car was here.

"Well guess its time to meet the team," I stick out my hand and wink, "Who's in?"
The first person to take my hand was the girl, Kaitlynne. Her eyes sparkling with the thought of adventure. Logan and Alex stood as well, but did not make any moves to take my hand. I turn around and walk towards the car.

"So, what is training like?" Logan inquires, thoughtfully, "I mean, are we going to go on missions with senior... What do you call them, Agents?"
"Yes, Agents." I turn to him, smiling, "You will begin training in our training course. After I deem you ready, however, you will be able to join senior agents on missions, while continuing training,"

"Oh, okay," He replies, seemingly satisfied.

"Ok, we're here, I'll find sombody to show you around," I smile, before turning around and walking into the building.
I step carefully into my room, collapse onto the bed, and pull out my phone. I need someone to talk to. I scroll through my contacts, stopping at Agent Hawks name. I hesitate, should I? Yes. I press call.
"Ja- Hawk," I whisper into the phone, "Could you... Could you come to my... my room please? I need to speak with you."

"Oliv- I mean... Phoenix, are you ok?" He inquires, obviously worried.

"Just do it, Hawk," I hang up.
Ok deep breaths. I squeeze my eyes shut, I miss you mom.. dad, why did you have to die...
He arrived at my door in a matter of minutes.  He opened the door to see me, sitting on the floor sobbing. He runs over to me and wraps me in his arms, "you're ok, it's ok, whats wrong?"
"Just hold me tonight, please? I need someone," I lay my head on his lap, closing my eyes, "Thank you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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