How we met Pt. 1?

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"So you want Pringles and the blue Mtn. Dew??" Lauryn said as she walked down the isle where the Pringles were.
"Yes, and make sure they are the kind I always get okay?"
"Aight bet, ill see you when i get to the dorms"
As she hung up she saw the Pringles her best friend wanted and reached for it, but another hand hit hers instead.
"I was here first sir" she looked up at the pale guy who took them.
"Well I got them first so too bad." He looked down at her.
"Come on now whoever you are I don't care, I had the chips first now just give me them I'm getting real impatient."
"And what are you gonna do about it?" He rolled his eyes, "excuse me boy?"
"For your information shorty I'm a man not a boy"
"Whatever ill just go to another stor-"
"Just take them, god you are so annoying" the mysterious boy said.
"Ann- i know i didn't hear that right" Lauren said as she laughed "you heard correctly now I'm gonna get another kind since u cant just accept that I got the last one"
"Whatever" she walked off to get the Mtn. Dew and her snack and walked off.
"Cute" he said under his breath

"I'm Home!! And with your snack Zy!"
"Finally!! Who kept you so long" she laughed.
"This stupid boy who wouldn't give me the last can of pringles"
"Did you get you something though?" Zy said as she opened the can.
"I got some flammas and a Mucho mango juice."
"Aight lets finished this show and go to sleep we have our first day of college tomorrow"
"Yeah.." Lauren said as she put a chip in her mouth.

"Laurennnnn come on now get up!"

"Ugh what Zy I'm trying to sleep shut up!
"Aight now when you are late for schoo-"
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ZY!" Lauren said as she rushed down the hall to the bathroom.
"Dumbass" Zy chuckled.


"I cant believe you didn't wake me up!" Lauren said as they walked down the side walk.
"I did you just don't listennn don't be blaming your mistakes on me" Zy laughed.
"Okay whateve-" Lauren bumps into some random person
"Watch where you are goi- YOU?"
"ugh why you out of all the people."
"I could be saying the same" Lauren rolled her eyes.
"Whatever lets go Hoseok"
"No sorry?!!" Zy yelled at them while they walk off

Hoseok mouths "I'm sorry!" As they walk off

"That man who was walkin with the asshole is kinda fine tho."
"Shut up Zy lets just go" Lauren rolled her eyes as she dragged Zy to class.

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