"Good morning!" He smiled at me.

I smiled back."Good morning. I thought you were planning to be awake by ten." I teased him, dragging my bag till the sofa where he stood with the airbag on the sofa. 

"Funny!" He rolled his eyes. I grinned giving him a proper scrutinizing glance. He wore a deep brown cargo shorts with a faded green polo tee. Wow. He was perfectly dressed for a vacation. And he looked quite dashing. "Water!" I said immediately and quickly strode into the kitchen when I thought he almost caught me staring at him. Yikes! This was so weird. Once again my thoughts went back to last night. Did I offend him? Would he have felt bad? Shaking my head I walked back with the water bottles I had filled.

"Good to go?" I asked as I reached the hall to find him tying his shoe laces.

"Yep" he said rising.

"Right. Did you switch off the geyser and lock the windows of your room?"

"Yes for both. And..I will switch off the main supply to the flat so relax."

"Okay. Then. Your driving license, car papers?" I asked trying to point out if anything was a miss.

"Yes for both, Ma'am," he chuckled.

"Your id?" I asked.


"Booking documents ?" I reminded.

"Its all on my phone and that is in my pocket. Anything else, Ma'am?" He asked me filled with amusement.I ignored it, looking around. Hopefully all was well. I took a deep breath. I have my id, my license, my debit card, money in my purse, sanitary napkins check, tissues yes that it anything I missed? 

"Earth to Anni." his voice brought me out of my thoughts.

I looked up at him. "Let's go." I smiled. He returned a genuine one, placing his airbag over his shoulders and dragging my suitcase.

"Ah, I will.." I had barely said those words reaching him, when he suddenly turned.

"Let me, madam!" He grinned and walked ahead. I smiled, for some reason my cheeks were warming up. Excitement was bubbling inside me. I inhaled carrying the snack bag and walked till the the door of the apartment.

"Sid, one minute I will check the windows of my room." I said aloud and ran back in. I returned satisfied I had closed them already.

"Are we leaving today?" He asked me looking at his watch. 

"Yes we are!" I entered the lift and he followed.

"I am driving." he said as we reached the car.

I smiled, "The pleasure will be mine"

He grinned in response.

"As we reached the highway his speedometer needle started going beyond hundred. Now, I understood the excited 'I am driving'.

"What?" he asked as he found me staring at the speedometer.

"Just reminding you, we are not in a game where we will get lifelines."

He chuckled. "Trust me with this. Highway is my oldest loyal girlfriend."

"Really?" I stated amused changing the folder on the music system.

"I swear."

"So out of four one was highway or highway was the fifth."

"Oh, wow. You remember the details huh?"

I grinned turning to look out at the serene morning driveway. "you didn't answer my question." I said without looking at him.

"Which one do you think?" his voice made me turn to look at him. As expected he had that flirtatious smile. Did I just classify his smile as flirtatious?

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